Absorbent carbon

Producer: HFZ CJSC NPTs Borshchagovsky Ukraina
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07BA01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
International name: the coal activated; main physical and chemical properties: tablets of black color with a smooth plain biconvex surface, without risks; structure: one tablet contains the coal activated 0,25 g; excipients - potato starch.
Pharmacological properties:
The adsorbing means. Has big superficial activity and high sorption ability. Reduces absorption from the digestive channel of toxic substances, salts of heavy metals, alkaloids and glycosides, medicinal substances, promoting their removal from an organism. Adsorbs gases on the surface.
The coal activated in tablets has smaller adsorptive ability in comparison with powder, but is more convenient for use. Drug is not toxic.
Pharmacokinetics. The coal activated is not absorbed, well removed from an organism through intestines.
Indications to use:
Dyspepsia, food intoxications, poisonings with alkaloids, salts of heavy metals. Meteorism. For reduction of gas generation by preparation for X-ray and endoscopic inspections.
Route of administration and doses:
At a meteorism and dyspepsia the adult appoint from 1 to 3 tablets 3 - 4 times a day. At poisonings drug is appointed inside in a dose of 20 - 30 g to reception in the form of a water suspension (on 1 - 2 glass of water). The same suspension is used also for a gastric lavage. At a hyperoxemia appoint 1 - 2 g of drug 3 - 4 times a day. For achievement of more bystry and expressed effect of a tablet it is possible to crush and accept in the form of a suspension (on 0,5 glasses of water).
Besides, at intoxications the coal activated is used as a part of the mix containing 2 parts of the last and by 1 part of an oxide of magnesium and a tannin (a suspension from 2 tablespoons of mix on a glass of warm water).
Features of use:
At the accompanying pharmacotherapy the coal activated is taken for 1 - 1,5 h to or through the same time after reception of medicines in connection with the adsorbing properties of drug. After reception of the coal activated by kcal it is painted in black color.
Side effects:
The lock, diarrhea are possible; at prolonged use there can be hypovitaminosis, disturbance of absorption from the digestive channel of nutrients.
Interaction with other medicines:
Due to the adsorptive properties the coal activated can reduce efficiency of at the same time accepted medicines.
Use of drug is contraindicated at cankers of the digestive channel, gastric bleedings.
Data on possible overdose of the coal activated did not arrive.
Storage conditions:
To store in the dry place, separately from the substances and materials emitting vapors and gases. The period of validity is specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 10 tablets in planimetric bezjyacheykovy packaging.