Dilyatatsionny cardiomyopathy
- Description
- Symptoms of the Dilyatatsionny cardiomyopathy
- Reasons of the Dilyatatsionny cardiomyopathy
- Treatment of the Dilyatatsionny cardiomyopathy
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see also:
- Cardiomyopathy
- Dishormonal cardiomyopathy
- Restrictive cardiomyopathy
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- a href="" class="spoiler_links">To show all list
The Dilyatatsionny cardiomyopathy is a serious state which weakens your cardiac muscle, and leads to its stretching and dilatation. If your cardiac muscle weak, then it cannot push out enough blood therefore with each reduction of heart more and more blood is late in his cavity. The more remains to blood in heart, the cardiac muscle stretches more and the more it weakens.
In most cases it leads to heart failure. But the term "heart failure" does not mean that heart ceases to be reduced. It means that your heart cannot pump over such amount of blood which would correspond to requirements of your organism.
Symptoms of the Dilyatatsionny cardiomyopathy:
In the beginning at you can not be any symptoms. Or they can be poorly expressed, for example, feeling of strong fatigue or weakness.
When weakening your heart, heart failure will develop. When it occurs, you can have such symptoms:
* An asthma, especially during loading.
* Fatigue.
* Feeling of shortage of air in a prone position.
* Hypostases standing.
* Pain in a breast.
These symptoms can slowly develop, within several months or even years. Or they can arise suddenly, for example, after pregnancy or a viral disease.
Suddenly worsened heart failure is a state which demands emergency medical service. Address for it immediately if at you:
* Heavy asthma.
* The accelerated or wrong heartbeat.
* Cough with allocation of a foamy pink phlegm.
* Pain in a breast.

At the left - heart is normal, on the right - a dilatatsionny cardiomyopathy
Reasons of the Dilyatatsionny cardiomyopathy:
Most often the dilyatatsionny cardiomyopathy develops after heart attack which injures a cardiac muscle. But also it can arise owing to many diseases or problems which can be and are not connected with heart. Sometimes the reason remains to the unknown.
Can lead to development of a dilyatatsionny cardiomyopathy, for example:
* Coronary heart disease and heart attack.
* High arterial pressure which raises load of heart walls.
* Diseases of valves of heart, including mitral and aortal regurgitation.
* Myocarditis which represents an inflammation of a cardiac muscle. He is called by a virus or disturbances of immune system.
* Alcohol intake in too large number, use of illegal drugs, such as cocaine or reception of certain medicines, such, as those which are applied when carrying out chemotherapy.
* Influence of toxic metals, for example, lead or mercury.
* Pregnancy. In rare instances the dilyatatsionny cardiomyopathy can develop at the end of pregnancy or in the first six months after the delivery. Specialists do not know why so occurs.
Treatment of the Dilyatatsionny cardiomyopathy:
For treatment of the heart failure caused by a dilyatatsionny cardiomyopathy, to you, most likely, it is necessary to accept several medicines. Is very important to accept medicines exactly as you were told by your doctor and not to stop their reception. If you do not do it, your heart failure can worsen.
Change of a way of life is an integral part of your treatment. It can help to slow down development of heart failure.
Limit amount of the consumed salt. It causes accumulation of liquid in an organism and increases load of heart. Limit also liquid consumption if your doctor so advised.
Regularly carry out physical exercises. Your doctor will tell you what level of an exercise stress will be safe for you as it is necessary to check your pulse and how to understand that you overload yourself.
Limit amount of the consumed alcohol.
Your doctor can suggest you to install the mechanical device which would help your heart to pump over blood or would prevent emergence of a life-threatening cordial rhythm. Can be such devices a pacemaker, the implanted cardioverter defibrillator or their combination. At very serious condition transplantation of heart can be offered you.
Also important part of your treatment is daily tracking of your symptoms. Call the doctor if:
* Your weight suddenly increased by 1-1,5 kg or more in 2-3 days.
* Your portability of exercise stresses changed.
* You had any sudden changes of symptoms.