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The sympathectomy is an operation of a resection of any site of sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system (a boundary sympathetic trunk, it ганглиев or fibers of sympathetic nerves). Distinguish the following types of a sympathectomy: a total sympathectomy, i.e. excision of a boundary sympathetic trunk on a considerable extent; a trunkular sympathectomy — a resection of a boundary trunk between two gangliya; a gangliectomy — removal of a sympathetic node; a splankhnikektomiya — a resection of celiac nerves and a periarterial sympathectomy — a resection of an outside cover of an arterial wall together with the nerves passing in it. Along with a sympathectomy there are operations of a simpatikotomiya which consist in crossing of any department of a sympathetic nerve without its resection.
The medical effect of these operations consists in elimination of the pathological impulses going from the center of defeat and causing emergence of the resistant centers of excitement in TsNS. At a sympathectomy vessels in desimpatizirovanny area extend. In this regard the therapeutic effect is most expressed at the diseases which are followed by a vasospasm.
The main indications to use of a sympathectomy are vegetative pain syndromes, trophic ulcers, and also the pathological processes connected with frustration of peripheric circulation (an obliterating endarteritis, a Raynaud's disease, an eritromelalgiya).
After operation the vasospasm in the affected extremity disappears, hypostasis decreases, pains disappear, there is a healing of ulcers.

Scheme of carrying out sympathectomy