Blockade of a star-shaped ganglion
- Description
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Blockade of a star-shaped ganglion belongs to the pathogenetic therapy based on use of nonspecific means, in particular, of novocaine solution for prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes of various bodies and body tissues.
The star-shaped ganglion is the ganglionic conglomerate of irregular shape formed as a result of merge lower cervical and the first chest sympathetic ганглиев. The preganglionic fibers reaching an upper extremity are formed of upper cervical segments approximately to the Th8 level.
Blockade of a star-shaped ganglion provides administration of local anesthetic in a front hillock of C6. Blockade of this type carry out with a frequency from one to three weekly on a course up to 10 times and more, the long-term positive effect will not be reached yet. If pain remains, then blockade of a brachial plexus or intravenous local blockade bretiliumy is carried out.
Indications. Indications for carrying out blockade of a star-shaped ganglion are RSD and a kauzalgiya of an upper extremity.
Complications. The vast majority of procedures are complicated by Horner's syndrome and a temporary osiplost of a voice. It is not recommended to carry out bilateral blockade of a star-shaped ganglion because of risk of injury of a recurrent guttural nerve from two parties that can lead to loss of its cardiopromoting effect. At blockade of a phrenic nerve temporary paralysis of a half of a diaphragm is observed. Injections in a vertebral artery lead to development of attacks or an air embolism of a brain. At an intradural injection of the patient faints, breath paralysis, attacks and sometimes a cardiovascular collapse develops. Blockade of a brachial plexus, pheumothorax belong to other complications and osteit a cross shoot of a vertebra.

Arrangement of a star-shaped ganglion