Prevention of an endarteritis
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Prevention of an obliterating endarteritis includes elimination of all irritants causing a vasospasm, use of the means and methods promoting decrease in a vascular tone, expansion of peripheral vessels of an extremity, strengthening of a blood-groove in them. It is necessary to observe the elementary hygienic requirements. Contraindicated long stay in cold or hot, but crude climate, it is always necessary to recommend to the patient to keep legs in the warm, to preserve them against dampness.
Smoking has to be strictly forbidden. It is necessary to protect legs from small injuries, it is necessary that patients used the convenient footwear sewed on the leg preserving against attritions and callosities. The patient has to watch a condition of skin on foot and in interdigital folds; daily washing of legs for the night by warm water with soap with the subsequent greasing by vaseline or fat substances is recommended, and at perspiration of legs — with wiping by alcohol, cologne. It is necessary to preserve the patient against nervous irritations and mental injuries. An important preventive action is establishment of a rational feeding schedule, vitamin-rich, with restriction of greasy food. The patient with an obliterating endarteritis has to be on dispensary observation, at an exacerbation of a disease patients have to be directed to hospitalization.
All this especially concerns to the patients who already lost one extremity owing to an obliterating endarteritis, even when on other extremity there were no signs of defeat.

Development of an endarteritis