Chronic cystitis
- Description
- Symptoms of Chronic cystitis
- Reasons of Chronic cystitis
- Treatment of Chronic cystitis
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Chronic cystitis usually is continuation and an effect of the postponed acute cystitis.
Symptoms of Chronic cystitis:
Chronic cystitis is very widespread disease at women. Its symptoms at a process aggravation, generally same, as well as at an acute inflammation mucous a bladder. It:
* The speeded-up urination,
* Morbidities at an urination,
* Small fervescence
* Febricula.

Symptoms of chronic cystitis at ultrasonography diagnosis
Reasons of Chronic cystitis:
Among factors which promote transition of acute cystitis in chronic as well too frequent exposure of a bladder to an inflammation, an infection and overcooling. In particular, what is characteristic of modern girls who often and have this illness - the clothes opened from below which do not carry out heat insulation of pelvic bodies. Besides, lack of a regular urination, especially in winter time when the bladder becomes especially subject to an infection, also promotes that cystitis becomes chronic.
Treatment of Chronic cystitis:
It is impossible to call treatment of a chronic form of cystitis simple. Process rather long and labor-consuming. Perhaps, self-treatment at a chronic disease is not desirable, you can remove only an aggravation, but not recover completely. All methods of treatment demand the correct interpretation, whether it be survey of the gynecologist or ultrasonography of all uric system.