Intersticial cystitis
- Description
- Symptoms of Intersticial cystitis
- Reasons of Intersticial cystitis
- Treatment of Intersticial cystitis
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Intersticial cystitis is a chronic disease of a bladder which is connected with disturbances of its internal cover (mucous). As a result the irritating substances (irritant) get through mucous a bladder into so-called intersticial (interstitial) fabric where nerve terminations are located.
Symptoms of Intersticial cystitis:
Intersticial cystitis belongs to so-called "uric infections which never come to an end".
The most characteristic symptoms of intersticial cystitis are:
* Imperative urination,
* The speeded-up urination
* Pain.
In hard cases of intersticial cystitis sick almost each hour is forced to go to a toilet. At the same time, the desire on an urination arises sometimes even right after the patient just descended in a toilet.
In 90% of cases of the patient with intersticial cystitis feels pain in the field of a basin. At the same time, it can be shown at different people differently. At many women this pain can be connected with sexual intercourse.
Except pain and very frequent urination, at intersticial cystitis there can be also such symptoms as:
* Hamaturia (availability of blood in urine),
* Pain at sexual intercourse,
* Pain in a basin,
* Urodynia,
* Dorsodynia.

Intersticial cystitis at a tsistoskopiya
Reasons of Intersticial cystitis:
Irritanta render irritation on nerve terminations that is a push of the phenomena causing symptomatology of intersticial cystitis. It leads to the fact that from mast cells in a wall of a bladder the histamine is released. It is a histamine leads to desires and a frequent urination.
Such constant irritation of a wall of a bladder brings to formation of cicatricial fabric in its wall therefore it loses the elasticity.

Pathogeny of development of intersticial cystitis
Treatment of Intersticial cystitis:
Confirmation of the diagnosis prior to any treatment is important.
Medical actions vary from medicinal therapy to surgical interventions. They can be local or system. Usually primary treatment is a gidrodistenziya as it is a part of diagnostic inspection. Gidrodistenziya allows to achieve improvement of a state approximately from 50-60% of patients.
The following stage of therapy consists of consecutive injections of various drugs in a bladder. Also system therapy pentozanpolisulfaty sodium, is used by amitriptyline and heparin. Besides there are non-drug methods of treatment, such as biological feedback and training of a bladder.
In the most hard cases surgical treatment can be shown. Methods are various: from dissection of a bladder with crossing of nerve fibrils, vascular blood supply and augmentatsionny cystoplasty (increase in volume of a bladder at the expense of an intestines segment) before full removal of urine.