
Producer: HFZ CJSC NPTs Borshchagovsky Ukraina
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G04B E30
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Main physical and chemical properties: solid gelatin capsules of a cylindrical form, with the hemispherical ends, No. 3, with the case and a lid of green color. The maintenance of capsules - powder or the pressed powder from yellowy-brown till light brown color with dark impregnations; structure: 1 capsule contains yohimbine of a hydrochloride 0,005 g, ascorbic acid of 0,05 g, zinc of oxide of 0,02 g, sodium of selenit of 0,0001 g, a ginseng root – from 0,094 g to 0,106 g.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Influence on peripheral and central mechanisms of sexual excitement is the cornerstone of a pharmacodynamics of drug.
The main component of the drug Yokhimbeks-Garmoniya stimulating an erection and strengthening sexual desire is yohimbine – alkaloid of bark of the West African tree Corynanthe yohimbe.
Yohimbine causes vasodilation of arteries, is preferential in a small pelvis that is caused its preferential presynaptic α2-адреноблокирующим by action, and also ability with increase in a dose to block postsynaptic α-adrenoretseptor. Owing to increase in blood supply cavernous and a spongy penis of bodies, simultaneous excitement of the center of an erection in a spinal cord drug works as the means exciting sexual desire and stimulating an erection.
The root of a ginseng has adaptogenny and all-tonic immunomodulatory effect, normalizes function of endocrine system. The ginseng causes essential optimization of physiological and biochemical processes in a hypothalamus, a hypophysis, in gonads and adrenal glands, exerts in general positive impact on sexual function of men, increases working capacity, resistance to adverse factors that promotes increase in a potentiality. The ginseng also improves function of a myocardium, liver. The combined effect of yohimbine and a ginseng leads to increase in sexual desire, strengthening of an erection and efficiency of an orgasm.
Ascorbic acid, zinc and selenium exert positive impact at functional exhaustion of gonads, interfere with development of degenerative changes of seed plants and deterioration in indicators of a spermatogenesis; have immunomodulatory, hemopoietic influence.
Course use of the drug Yokhimbeks-Garmoniya recovers ability to reach and keep an erection, raises a libido.
The pharmacokinetics was not studied.
Indications to use:
Erectile dysfunction and decrease in a libido at psychogenic copulative dysfunction, the mixed copulative dysfunction, interoceptive and psychogenic copulative dysfunction, neurosises which are followed by disturbance of a potentiality, residual organic lesions of the central nervous system which are followed by secondary disturbances of a potentiality; decrease in erectile function and a libido at asthenic conditions, overfatigue, frustration of endocrine system at adverse influence of ecological factors, including radiation, age changes.
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is appointed inside on 1 capsule by 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to accept in the second half of day, washing down with a glass of water. Duration of use of drug is determined by the doctor. On average the term of treatment lasts up to 20 days. If necessary the course of treatment is repeated.
Features of use:
With care appoint drug at diseases at which the risk of development of tachycardia, a sudden lowering of arterial pressure is increased, and also at heavy arterial hypertension, tendency to spasms; states which are followed by an urination delay. Drug can be recommended at an urine incontience owing to an atony of a bladder and in a climacteric at men.
It is necessary to apply carefully in the presence in the anamnesis of spasms of cerebral and retinal vessels.
During long reception control of function of kidneys, a liver, level of arterial pressure is necessary. Existence in composition of drug of ascorbic acid can change results of laboratory tests (content of glucose, bilirubin, activity of transaminases, LDG).
Side effects:
Very seldom, at the strengthened use of drugs of yohimbine, in particular uncontrolled increase in doses by the patient, there can be disturbances from a nervous system (a hyperexcitability, sleeplessness, a tremor, nervousness, suspiciousness, dizziness, a headache, etc.), the digestive channel (an abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea), cardiovascular disturbances (orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia), a priapism.
In rare instances administration of drug can cause sharp passing increase in arterial pressure.
Interaction with other medicines:
Drug should not be used along with adrenomimetika (adrenaline, noradrenaline, a phenylephine hydrochloride, ephedrine) as decrease in their efficiency can be observed, in rare instances - strengthening of hypertensive action. Also apply with care at treatment by anti-hypertensive drugs – antagonists of calcium, β-adrenoblockers, APF inhibitors, clonidine (perhaps sharp lowering of arterial pressure). Drug can strengthen exciting action on TsNS of psychomotor stimulators, nootrop, adaptogens.
Hypersensitivity to drug, a serious illness of a liver and kidneys, treatment of an adrenomimetikama, hypertensive crisis, mental disturbances, overexcitation of a nervous system.
At overdose manifestations of the increased individual sensitivity to drug components are possible that demands phase-out of drug and reception of the desensibilizing means. At increase in arterial pressure, tachycardia enter clonidine or a combination α-and β-adrenoblockers.......... At manifestations of a hyperexcitability, nervousness appoint benzodiazepines.
Storage conditions:
To store in dry, protected from light, the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Period of validity – 3 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 10 capsules in a blister strip packaging; on 2 packagings in a pack.