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Nonsense (Latin Delirium) — the set of the ideas and representations, conclusions which arose not from the data which arrived from the world around and not adjusted at the same time by the arriving new data (at the same time it is unimportant whether crazy conclusion is true or not), a component of productive symptomatology at schizophrenia and other psychoses.
Nonsense reasons:
    * Mental disorders
    * infection;
    * air hunger;
    * disturbance of acid-base balance in an organism;
    * depression;
    * injury;
    * alcoholic or narcotic poisoning;
    * side effects of drugs;
    * interaction of drugs.

Symptoms Breda:

Acute delirium. If the nonsense completely seizes consciousness, then such state is called an acute delirium. Sometimes the patient is capable to analyze adequately surrounding reality if it does not concern subject of nonsense. Such nonsense call encapsulated.
Being productive psychotic symptomatology, the nonsense is a symptom of many diseases of a brain, but especially it is characteristic of schizophrenia.
Interpretive (Primary, Primordialny, Verbal). At interpretive nonsense defeat of thinking is primary — rational, logical knowledge is surprised, the distorted judgment is consistently supported a number of the subjective proofs having the system. This type of nonsense differs in firmness and a tendency to progressing and systematization: "proofs" develop in subjectively harmonious system (at the same time everything that does not fit into this system, is simply ignored), the increasing parts of the world are involved in crazy system.
Hallucinatory (Secondary, Sensual, Explanations). The hallucinatory nonsense arising owing to the broken perception. It is nonsense figurative, with dominance of illusions and hallucinations. The ideas at it are fragmentary, inconsistent — initially disturbance of sensory perception (perception). Disturbance of thinking comes for the second time, crazy interpretation of hallucinations, lack of conclusions which are carried out in the form of insayt — bright and emotionally rich inspirations takes place. Affective frustration can become other reason of development of secondary nonsense. The maniacal state causes nonsense of greatness, and the depression is the prime cause of the ideas of self-abasement. Elimination of secondary nonsense manages to be reached mainly treatment of a basic disease or symptom complex.

The nonsense plot, as a rule (in cases of interpretive nonsense), is not actually a symptom of a disease and depends on social and psychological, and also cultural and political factors within which there is a patient. At the same time in psychiatry several groups of the crazy states combined by the general plot are allocated. Treat them:

    * persecution complex (persekutorny nonsense)
    * the nonsense of the relation — to the patient seems that all surrounding reality has a direct bearing on it that the behavior of other people is caused by their special attitude towards him
    * nonsense of a reformatorstvo
    * the nonsense of love (Klerambo's syndrome) — almost always at patients is a female: the patient is convinced that he (she) is loved by the famous person or that all fall in love with he (she), meeting with he (she)
    * religious nonsense
    * antagonistic nonsense (including Manichean nonsense)
    * the nonsense of barratry (kverulyantstvo) — the patient fights for recovery of "the trampled justice": complaints, courts, letters to the management
    * nonsense of jealousy — belief in treason of the sexual partner
    * nonsense of an origin — the patient considers that his real parents — the high-ranking people or that it comes from an ancient noble family, other nation, etc.
    * nonsense of damage — belief that the property of the patient is spoiled or plundered by some people (as a rule, people with whom the patient communicates in life)
    * nonsense of poisoning — belief that someone wants to poison the patient
    * the nigilistic nonsense (it is characteristic of MDP) — false sensation that he, others or the world around do not exist or comes the end of the world
    * hypochiondrial nonsense — belief of the patient available at it some disease (usually heavy)
    * so-called nervous anorexia in most cases is also a crazy design.
    * nonsense of a performance (intermetamorfoza) — belief of the patient that everything is specially arranged around, scenes of some performance are played, or the experiment is conducted, everything constantly changes sense: for example, it is not hospital, and actually prosecutor's office; the doctor actually — the investigator; patients and medical staff — changed clothes with the purpose to expose the patient the staff of security service.

Reasons Breda:

    Nonsense (Latin Delirium) — the set of the ideas and representations, conclusions which arose not from the data which arrived from the world around and not adjusted at the same time by the arriving new data (at the same time it is unimportant whether crazy conclusion is true or not), a component of productive symptomatology at schizophrenia and other psychoses.
Nonsense reasons:
    * Mental disorders
    * infection;
    * air hunger;
    * disturbance of acid-base balance in an organism;
    * depression;
    * injury;
    * alcoholic or narcotic poisoning;
    * side effects of drugs;
    * interaction of drugs.

Treatment Breda:

Treatment always is rather difficult. If help has to be given on the street, the patient has to be immediately isolated (for this purpose usually it is necessary to resort to the help of employees of militia); if it happened in chamber of hospital of the general profile, then it is necessary to remove other patients, having left only those who can really give help. It is necessary to remove also all pricking and cutting objects which can be used as the attack tool. It is not necessary to take the calm of the patient which was caused the first medicamentous influences for recovery: all complex of events for supervision of the patient has to be held with former care.
It is necessary to begin treatment with medicamentous stopping of motive excitement. Use aminazine, Tisercinum, Droperidolum or chlorprothixene more often. At domination in clinic of the hallucinatory phenomena attach a haloperidol (1 — 2 ml of 0,5% of solution intramusculary). It is necessary to watch the ABP indicators constantly; as a stimulator of a vasomotor center apply Cordiaminum. It is necessary to adhere to the general tendency of gradual transition from injection administration of drugs to oral administration.
For the patient continuous observation has to be provided what it is possible to attract also people around to; if necessary resort to physical fixing. It is extremely desirable to achieve by arrangements (for what it is impossible to feel sorry for neither time, nor forces) from sick consent to drug intake. In the conditions of a hospital the paramedic has to watch not only a regularity of reception of psychotropic drugs, but also development of so-called side effects of therapy

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment Breda:

  • Препарат Солерон.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    LLC Pharm Start Ukraine


  • Препарат Эридон.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    LLC Pharm Start Ukraine


  • Препарат Торендо®.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    Krka Slovenia

  • Препарат Риспаксол® .


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    AS Grindex (JSC Grindeks) Latvia


  • Препарат Галоперидол 5 мг.

    Haloperidol of 5 mg

    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    CJSC Biokom Russia


  • Препарат Резален.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, Ind. Area (Ranbaksi Laboratoriz Ltd, Indus Erea) India

  • Препарат Рисперидон.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Солиан®.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    Sanofi-Aventis Private Co.Ltd (Sanofi-Aventis Pravit. Co. Ltd.) France

  • Препарат Риссет.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    Teva (Tev) Israel

  • Препарат Рисперидон.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Галоперидол.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    LLC Ozon Russia

  • Препарат Флюанксол депо.

    Flyuanksol of depot

    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    Lundbeck (Lundbek) Denmark

  • Препарат Рисперидон.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    CJSC Kanonfarm production Russia

  • Препарат Галоперидол.


    Antipsychotic means (neuroleptic).

    JSC Irbit Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant Russia

  • Препарат Клопиксол депо.

    Klopiksol of depot

    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    Lundbeck (Lundbek) Denmark

  • Препарат Рисперидон Органика.

    Risperidon Organika

    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    JSC Organika Russia

  • Препарат Рисперидон Органика.

    Risperidon Organika

    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    JSC Organika Russia

  • Препарат Торендо® Ку-таб.

    Торендо® Ku-tab

    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    Krka Slovenia

  • Препарат Ридонекс.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    Gedeon Richter (Gideon Richter) Hungary

  • Препарат Галоперидол.


    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    JSC Organika Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья