Альмокс And

Producer: LLC Pharmtekhnologiya Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A02AX
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Suspension of peroral use.
General characteristics. Structure:
Deystvuyushche substance: 218 mg of aluminum of oxide (in the form of aluminum of hydroxide of gel or aluminum of hydroxide of kompressovanny gel), 75 mg of magnesium of oxide (in the form of paste hydroxide magnesium), 109 mg of benzocaine in each 5 ml of suspension.
Excipients: sorbitol solution uncrystallizable (Е 420), alcohol of ethyl 96%, hydroxyethylcellulose, methylparahydroxybenzoate (Е 218), lemon oil, пропилпарагидроксибензоат (Е 216), butylparahydroxybenzoate, saccharin sodium (Е 954), the water purified.
The medicine representing the balanced combination of aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide and benzocaine, rendering enveloping, adsorbing and the local anesthetizing action in the presence of the expressed pain syndrome, and also protects a mucous membrane of a stomach from inflammatory and erosive геморагических defeats. Shows weak carminative and moderate cholagogue action, and also easy laxative effect.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Aluminum hydroxide neutralizes free hydrochloric acid in a stomach, reduces activity of pepsin that leads to reduction of the digesting activity of a gastric juice. In a stomach chloride which under the influence of alkaline contents of intestines turns into basic salts of aluminum is formed aluminum. They are a little soaked up also at short reception of Almoks And practically do not change concentration of salts of aluminum in blood. Aluminum hydroxide connects phosphate ions in intestines and thus limits their absorption and reduces concentration of phosphates.
Magnesium hydroxide also neutralizes hydrochloric acid in a stomach, turning into magnesium chloride which possesses small laxative action. Thus counteraction to effect of the aluminum hydroxide causing a lock is carried out.
Альмокс And has the enveloping and adsorbing effect. Due to stimulation of synthesis of prostaglandins has some cytoprotective effect and indometacin, diclofenac, aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid protects a mucous membrane of a stomach from inflammatory and erosive геморагических defeats in result of use of the irritating and ulcerogenic agents, such as ethanol, corticosteroid means and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NPVS), for example.
Benzocaine has the local anesthetizing effect in the presence of the expressed pain syndrome.
Contained in Almoksa And sorbitol shows weak carminative and moderate cholagogue action, and also easy laxative effect, supplementing effect of magnesium hydroxide.
Альмокс But does not cause an alkalosis and education in a stomach of carbon dioxide which, in turn, is the reason of a meteorism, feelings of weight in the field of an epigastrium and secondary strengthening of secretion of hydrochloric acid.
The therapeutic effect after reception of medicine occurs in 3-5 minutes. Duration of action depends on gastric emptying speed. At reception on an empty stomach it varies from 20 to 60 minutes, at reception in an hour after meal antiacid action can continue till 3 o'clock.
Pharmacokinetics. Aluminum hydroxide. In intestines small amounts of drug which practically do not change concentration of salts of aluminum in blood can systematically rezorbirovatsya. Aluminum hydroxide is removed with a stake.
Magnesium hydroxide. Magnesium ions can also rezorbirovatsya in number of about 10% of the accepted dose and do not change concentration of ions of magnesium in blood. Magnesium hydroxide is removed with a stake.
Benzocaine. Benzocaine is soaked up in the minimum quantities and practically does not render system effects on an organism. Its local analgesic effect occurs in 1-2 min. after Almoks A. reception.
Indications to use:
Short-term symptomatic treatment of the inflammatory and erosive changes accompanied with pain, nausea and vomiting; acute or chronic inflammation or other disturbance of a mucous membrane of a gullet, stomach and duodenum.
Route of administration and doses:
The adult about 5 - 10 ml of Almoks And 3 - 4 times a day in 10 - 15 minutes prior to food are recommended to accept. The maximum duration of reception makes 7 days, then pass to treatment by Almoks. Before use the bottle with medicine needs to be shaken up carefully! Within 15 minutes after Almoks's reception But it is not necessary to drink liquids.
Features of use:
Almoks's use for patients with a heavy chronic lock is not recommended; at suspicion of an acute appendicitis; in the presence of a metabolic alkalosis, cirrhosis, heavy heart failure; in the presence of ulcer colitis, a divertuculosis, colostomy or an ileostomy (the increased risk of development of disturbances of water and electrolytic balance); chronic diarrhea; hemorrhoids; at renal failures (clearance of creatinine <30 ml/min., because of danger of development of a gipermagniyemiya and aluminum intoxication).
In spite of the fact that the aluminum role in an Alzheimer's disease pathogeny still is completely not established (aluminum concentrates in nervous fibrilla of tissue of brain), in the presence of this disease use of the antacids containing aluminum should be limited. At reception by patients of old age the exacerbation of the diseases of bones and joints which are available for them is possible.
During treatment by Almoks And it is necessary to avoid alcohol intake and acids (lemon juice, vinegar, etc.) because of a possibility of weakening of the local anesthetizing effect of benzocaine.
At emergence of allergic reactions (small rash, an itch, a face edema, breath difficulty) reception should be cancelled and to see immediately a doctor.
At reception of medicine there is a numbness and anesthesia of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and language. This phenomenon passing also does not demand therapeutic measures.
Альмокс And contains sorbitol which is contraindicated at intolerance of fructose as it can cause irritation of a stomach and diarrhea.
Medicine contains parabens which, as we know, can cause a small tortoiseshell and in rare instances - allergic reactions of immediate type (bronchospasm).
Альмокс And contains alcohol therefore emergence of complications at patients with diseases of a liver and brain is possible, at having alcoholism and epilepsy.
Pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Альмокс But do not appoint during pregnancy and feeding a breast as it contains benzocaine.
Management of transport and mechanisms. Альмокс But does not exert impact on ability to manage transport and to work with mechanisms. At its reception in the recommended daily dose the alcohol which is contained in medicine does not exert impact on ability of management of transport and work with mechanisms.
Side effects:
Альмокс And can cause a lock which passes after reduction of a dose. Emergence of nausea, vomiting, stomach spasms, change of flavoring feelings, a gipermagniyemiya, allergic reactions of local and general type is in rare instances possible.
Though long reception of medicine (more than 7 days) is not recommended, it is necessary to consider that at its long reception at patients with a renal failure and being on dialysis manifestations of a neurotoxicity (change of mood and intellectual activity) are possible. Long treatment using high doses of Almoks And against the background of the low level of phosphorus in a diet can lead to development of deficit of phosphorus in an organism, to increase in a resorption and excretion of calcium with urine and to emergence of osteomalacy.
Interaction with other medicines:
The interval between Almoks's reception And yes other medicines has to make 1 - 2 hour.
Альмокс And changes acidity of gastric contents that exerts impact on absorption, bioavailability, the maximum serumal concentration of a large number of medicines at a concomitant use. As a result of this Almoks And can reduce effect of Reserpinum, H2 blockers, glycosides of a foxglove, salts of iron, drugs of lithium, quinidine, a meksiletin, medicines of a fenotiazinovy row, antibiotics of a tetracycline row, ciprofloxacin, an isoniazid and ketokonazol.
At a concomitant use of kishechnorastvorimy medicines raised рН a gastric juice can lead to the accelerated destruction of their cover and cause irritation of a stomach and duodenum.
Because of existence in Almoks's list And benzocaine drug should not be accepted along with sulfonamides (benzocaine is an antagonist of antibacterial activity of sulfonamides).
Альмокс And can affect results of some laboratory and functional researches and tests: it reduces the level of gastric secretion when determining its acidity; changes results of tests using technetium (Ts99) (for example, a stsintigrafiya of bones and some tests for a gullet research); increases the serumal level of phosphorus, value рН serum and urine.
- Hypersensitivity to drug components;
- a severe form of a renal failure (because of danger of development of a gipermagniyemiya and aluminum intoxication);
- cirrhosis;
- Alzheimer's disease;
- suspicion of an acute appendicitis;
- ulcer colitis, colostomy or ileostomy;
- lock;
- chronic diarrhea;
- hemorrhoids;
- gipermagniyemiya;
- hypophosphatemia;
- heavy heart failure;
- pregnancy period;
- lactation period;
- children's and teenage age up to 18 years.
At single exceeding of a dose other signs of overdose, except a lock, a meteorism, feeling of metal taste in a mouth, anesthesias are not observed when swallowing because of availability of benzocaine as a part of medicine.
At long reception of high doses formation of stones in kidneys, emergence of heavy locks, drowsiness, a gipermagniyemiya is possible. Also signs of a metabolic alkalosis can be observed: change of mood or intellectual activity, numbness or muscle pain, nervousness and bystry fatigue, breath delay, unpleasant flavoring feelings.
It is necessary to accept absorbent carbon at once, to wash out a stomach and to stimulate vomiting.
Storage conditions:
To store in the place protected from light, at a temperature not above 25 °C. Not to freeze! To store in the place, unavailable to children! Period of storage 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 100 g and 150 g of medicine in bottles plastic of polyethyleneterephthalate, corked by caps polymeric screw. One bottle in a cardboard pack together with a measured glass and a leaf insert.