Hemolitic shock
- Description
- Symptoms of Hemolitic shock
- Reasons of Hemolitic shock
- Treatment of Hemolitic shock
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see also:
- Toxic shock
- Burn shock
- Cardiogenic shock
- Depressed cases of various genesis
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Hemolitic shock is shock which arises at incompatible blood transfusion that leads to cases with various heavy complications.
Symptoms of Hemolitic shock:
Symptoms of hemolitic shock are shown in the form of a headache, painful withdrawal pains in a waist, nausea, the heat in all body, in certain cases does not gasp. Actually, the hyperemia of the person, cyanosis, frequent heartbeat, soft pulse and vomiting is observed. In the first days at the patient urine of dark-brown, almost black color with the increased maintenance of blood pigments, cylinders and protein is emitted. Above-mentioned symptoms at an intensive care can quickly disappear. However a week later, the disease can begin to progress and lead to very serious complications.
In the period of hemolitic shock of the patient yellow skin color, amount of the emitted urine sharply gets decreases that leads to a renal failure. At adverse course of a disease, there can be serious symptoms of heavy intoxication in the form of rash with hemorrhages on skin, vomitings, a diarrhea, the increased arterial pressure, the increased azotemia, and also still a set of signs of an anury up to an uremic coma. Neurovascular frustration in kidneys lead to an acute disorder of a renal blood-groove that promotes reduction of filtrational fraction.
Above-mentioned changes in the basic amplify at transfusion of stored blood. At the time of transfusion of a kidney have to mark out the increased quantity of free blood pigments that leads to damage of renal functions which escalates obstruction of tubules products of gemolizirovanny erythrocytes and proteinaceous coagulates.
Reasons of Hemolitic shock:
These complications generally came to light at direct or exchange hemotransfusion. Besides serious complications can arise also at transfusion of incompatible stored blood that the symptom – to a complex brings to heavy clinical owing to what struck there are a hemolysis and kidneys.

Incompatible blood transfusion - причинв hemolitic shock
Treatment of Hemolitic shock:
At treatment and prevention of posttransfusion complications special value has observation in order that the above described disturbances of renal functions did not develop. For mitigation of posttransfusion complications doctors appoint pantopon and other narcotic drugs. In many cases for easing or the termination of hemolitic shock doctors use a long general anesthesia.
Treatment of complications after the postponed shock includes special, urgent measures. One of such measures is bloodletting with transfusion of odnogruppny, Rh-negative and svezhetsitratny blood. This method not only has anti-toxic effect, but at the same time interferes with hemolysis. In the period of an oliguria the patient should be limited to the minimum quantity of salt and water. For clarification and recovery of an organism to the patient baking soda 5 is appointed to about 24 g of hour, and also hypertensive 40% glucose solution.
At emergence of a plentiful diuresis the organism is washed out a huge amount of liquid, at the same time enter considerable amount of table salt, even in that case if the specific weight of urine remains low. At the correct and timely treatment it is possible to achieve an absolute recovery. In this case to replace an anury and an oliguria the polyuria which reaches 6-8 liters a day comes. Arterial pressure is normalized. Specific weight of urine throughout long time remains low, but over time secretory activity of tubules and filtering in balls are normalized that leads to decrease in residual nitrogen in blood. Process of recovery can take place within several weeks or months.