
Producer: Gedeon Richter (Gideon Richter) Hungary
Code of automatic telephone exchange: P02CE01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: One tablet of Dekaris of 50 mg contains 50 mg of levamisole (in the form of 59 mg of levamisole of a hydrochloride).
One tablet of Dekaris contains 150 mg of levamisole (in the form of 177 mg of levamisole of a hydrochloride).
Excipients for tablets of 50 mg: corn starch, sodium saccharinate, povidone, talc, fragrance apricot, magnesium stearate, dye sunset yellow (Е 110).
Excipients for tablets of 150 mg: corn starch, lactoses monohydrate, sucrose, talc, povidone, magnesium stearate.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Active ingredient of Dekaris - levamisole is anthelmintic means. Affecting gangliopodobny formations of nematodes, Dekaris causes the depolarizing neuromuscular paralyzing of a membrane of muscles of helminths, blocks a succinatedehydrogenase, oppresses a fumaratedehydrogenase, breaking the course of bioenergitichesky processes of helminths. Thus, the paralyzed nematodes are removed from an organism a normal peristaltics of intestines within 24 hours after administration of drug.
Pharmacokinetics. Levamisole at intake in a dose of 50 mg is quickly soaked up from a GIT. The maximum concentration in a blood plasma is defined, on average, in 1,5-2 hours after administration of drug. Levamisole is exposed to intensive metabolism in a liver, its main metabolites - п-hydroxy-levamisole and its glucuronide.
Time of semi-removal from an organism makes 3-6 hours. In not changed look it is allocated with urine less, than 5%, with a stake are less, than 0,2% of the entered dose.
Indications to use:
Infections with Ascaris lumbricoides, Necator Americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale helminths.
Route of administration and doses:
Tablets of 50 mg:
To children from 3 to 6 years (10-20 kg) - 25-50 mg (1/2-1 tablet); from 6 to 10 years (20-30 kg) of 50-75 mg (1 - 1,5 tablets); from 10 to 14 years (30-40 kg) - 75-100 mg (1,5-2 tablets) once.
It is reasonable to accept drug after food with a small amount of water, in the evening.
In reception of laxatives or a special diet there is no need. If necessary administration of drug can be repeated in 7-14 days.
Tablets of 150 mg
The adult appoints once one tablet on 150 mg. It is reasonable to accept drug after food with a small amount of water, in the evening. In reception of laxatives or a special diet there is no need. If necessary administration of drug can be repeated in 7-14 days.
Features of use:
In time and after administration of drug, within 24 hours it is impossible to take alcoholic drinks.
It is not proved that the levamisole applied as anthelmintic means oppresses a nervous system.
Influence of drug on ability to drive the car and other mechanisms
Because at administration of drug there can be passing, poorly expressed dizziness it is necessary to be careful when driving the car or during the work with mechanisms during all course of treatment.
Side effects:
Headache, sleeplessness, dizziness, heart consciousness, spasms, dispepsichesky phenomena, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pains, diarrhea.
There are messages on development of the phenomena from TsNS (encephalopathy) in 2-5 weeks after administration of drug, and also allergic reactions (skin rash), spasms.
Most of patients had reversible this phenomenon, and early use of glucocorticosteroid therapy improved the forecast.
Communication of these symptoms with Dekaris's reception is not quite convincing. At use of high doses or at long therapy the leukopenia, an agranulocytosis, a tremor can be observed.
Interaction with other medicines:
At a concomitant use of drug with alcoholic drinks the disulfiramopodobny phenomena are observed.
Care at Dekaris's use with the drugs influencing a hemopoiesis is required.
At a concomitant use of drug with kumarinopodobny anticoagulants the prothrombin time can be extended therefore it is necessary to correct a dose of peroral anticoagulant.
Decarice increases Phenytoinum level in blood therefore at their simultaneous use it is necessary to control Phenytoinum level in blood. Decarice cannot be applied at the same time with lipophilic drugs, such as phenoxin, tetrachlorethylene, oil a henopodiya, chloroform or ether as its toxicity can amplify.
Hypersensitivity to one of drug components; the agranulocytosis caused by medicines (in the anamnesis); children's age up to 3 years; lactation period.
For tablets of 150 mg the children's age is a contraindication!
Pregnancy. To pregnant women to appoint drug only if the expected advantage surpasses possible risk of use of drug.
Lactation period. For protection of the newborn it is necessary to solve whether to stop feeding by a breast or to stop administration of drug, depending on that, it is how necessary to accept drug for mother.
To take with caution at a liver and/or renal failure, oppression of a marrowy hemopoiesis.
At introduction of a high dose of levamisole (over 600 mg) the following symptoms of intoxication were described: nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, spasms, diarrhea, headache, dizziness and confusion of consciousness.
At accidental overdose - if after administration of drug there did not pass a lot of time - it is possible to wash out a stomach. Monitoring of vital indicators and performing symptomatic therapy is necessary.
In the presence of signs of antikholinesterazny action it is possible to enter atropine.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature of 15-30 °C. To store in the places unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets of 50 mg. On 2 tablets in the blister from PVC and aluminum foil. On 1 blister together with the application instruction in a cardboard pack.
Tablets of 150 mg. On 1 tablet in the blister from PVC and aluminum foil. On 1 blister together with the application instruction in a cardboard pack.