DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Cardiology Prevention of arrhythmia

Prevention of arrhythmia



Many arrhythmias are caused by heart troubles. Prevention of arrhythmia is based on healthy food, it is necessary to reduce risk of development of heart diseases. Healthy food is a large number of fruit, vegetables and whole cereals in a diet. It is also necessary to include in the menu fish, a bird without skin, low-fat meat, the fat-free dairy products. It is necessary to limit consumption fat, sweet and very salty.

The healthy lifestyle includes also physical exercises, and regular, refusal of smoking, maintenance of normal weight, and also level of sugar and cholesterol in blood in normal limits.

The severe emotional stress or anger can lead to arrhythmia therefore try to cope with a stress, occupations yoga, walks, meditation and a relaxation help with it. Support of friends and a family - a necessary component of prevention of arrhythmia - will also be able to reduce risk of emotional frustration.

Prevention of arrhythmia of heart includes refusal of substances which cause strong heartbeat - it is alcohol and some cough and cold medicine. If you revealed arrhythmia — take care of yourself! If dizziness begins or there is an unconscious state — immediately lay down, do not try to go or drive the car. Surely contact the doctor and tell him about these symptoms. Learn from the doctor what value of pulse for you normal, and keep the diary of arrhythmia, periodically show it to the doctor, it will help you to conduct prevention of arrhythmia of heart effectively.

Синусовая аритмия ( вид на ЭКГ)

Sinus arrhythmia (view of an ECG)

The used drugs:

  • Препарат Амиодарон.


    Antiarrhytmic means.

    CJSC Biokom Russia

  • Препарат Кордарон®.


    Antiarrhytmic means.

    Sanofi-Aventis Private Co.Ltd (Sanofi-Aventis Pravit. Co. Ltd.) France

  • Препарат Амиодарон.


    Antiarrhytmic means of the III class. Amiodaronum.

    JSC Organika Russia

  • Препарат Лидокаин.


    Mestnoanesteziruyushchy and antiarrhytmic means.

    JSC Organika Russia

  • Препарат Соталекс.


    Beta adrenoblocker.

    Bristol-Myers Squibb Comp. (Bristol-Myers Skvibb Komp.) USA

  • Препарат Верапамил.


    Blocker of "slow" calcium channels.


  • Сайт детского здоровья