Producer: JSC Moskhimfarmpreparaty of N. A. Semashko" Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: M05BA01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for oral administration.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: monopotassium salt of 1-gidroksietilidendifosfonovy acid a dihydrate – 20,0 g Excipients: sodium the hydroxide, water purified.
Description: Inodorous colourless liquid.
Pharmacological properties:
Ksidifon regulates calcic exchange: an excessive exit of calcium from bones warns, thereby, interfering with osteoporosis, warns pathological calcification of soft tissues.
Drug prevents grain formation, and also growth and aggregation of crystals of calcic salts in urine. Holding calcium ions in the dissolved state, Ksidifon warns a recurrent lithogenesis, eliminating a possibility of formation of insoluble salts of calcium (with oxalates, mucopolysaccharides, phosphates, etc.), possesses moderate antiinflammatory action at intersticial nephrite.
Ksidifon, like other complexons, has property to accelerate removal of heavy metals - lead, tin, antimony, strontium, magnesium, silicon. Does not break balance of microelements.
Efficiency of use of Ksidifon in complex therapy of bronchial asthma is also confirmed. In this case the mechanism of action of Ksidifon is up to the end not studied. It is supposed that it changes a biophysical condition of membranes of immunocompetent cells, stabilizing them.
The elimination half-life of a xydibackground makes 24 hours, in an organism he is not metabolized and brought in steady-state condition generally by kidneys. From a stomach it is soaked up within the first 30 minutes after reception.
Indications to use:
Ksidifon apply at adults and children as the means regulating exchange of calcium at an urolithiasis and other diseases of kidneys; hyper avitaminosis of D, a hyperparathyreosis and the accompanying intersticial nephrite; for treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, and also as the means preventing the development osteosinging and osteoporosis at a long immobilization of a pseudorheumatism increasing the mass of a bone tissue at secondary osteoporosis.
Ksidifon is applied also to acceleration of removal from an organism of excess of heavy metals of lead, tin, strontium, silicon and antimony.
Ksidifon is used at adults in complex therapy of bronchial asthma of an easy and medium-weight current for the purpose of stabilization of membranes of immunocompetent cells, and also in complex therapy of gormonalnozavisimy bronchial asthma for the purpose of prevention of osteoporosis.
Route of administration and doses:
Ksidifon accept inside in 30 minutes prior to food, in the form of the solution divorced to 2% which is received addition to 1 part of 20% of solution of 9 parts of the distilled or boiled water (for example, add 450 ml of water to 50 ml of 20% of solution), store divorced solution in the refrigerator.
To adults and children 10 years are more senior: appoint on 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day (that corresponds to 0,3 g of a xydibackground).
To children from 3 to 10 years: on 1 dessertspoon (0,2 g) 2-3 times a day.
To children up to 3 years: on 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day (at the rate of 0,01 g on 1 kg of body weight).
Primary course of treatment makes 14 days. At a crystalluria and existence of concrements in kidneys conduct 5-6 courses with three-week breaks within 1-2 years. For prevention of a recurrence of a lithogenesis drug is appointed up to 2-6 months.
To treatment and prevention of osteoporosis Ksidifon apply in a dose 5-7 mg/kg within 2-3 months, in 1-2 months repeat courses of treatment.
At trabecular osteoporosis and osteosinging at patients with a pseudorheumatism Ksidifon apply not less than a year at the rate of 5-10 mg/kg of body weight in 2 receptions. It is at the same time recommended to eat food rich with calcium salts (500 ml of milk are equivalent), or if it for any reasons is impossible, to accept a gluconate of calcium of 1,5 g/days.
At chronic intoxication heavy metals and at accommodation in adverse ecological conditions on heavy metals recommend use of therapeutic doses of a xydibackground (at the rate of 10 mg/kg of body weight) for 7-10 days of every month.
At bronchial asthma Ksidifon apply in complex therapy at adults 16 years within no more than 30 days are more senior.
Features of use:
With care use drug at patients with a chronic coloenteritis.
At use for patients with reduced function of kidneys it is necessary to adjust the dosing mode. The patients accepting Ksidifon have to receive enough calcium and vitamin D.
It is not established. Whether etidronovy acid with breast milk is emitted.
Side effects:
In some cases the laxative effect is noted, at the same time the daily dose needs to be divided into bigger number of receptions.
Long reception of high doses of a xydibackground can cause insufficiency of magnesium and rakhitopodobny effect, for prevention purpose of the minimum doses magnesium of the containing drugs and periodically therapeutic doses of vitamin D is recommended. Also change of peroxide oxidation of lipids which is eliminated with reception of 3-5 drops of 5% of Solutio oleosa of vitamin E once a day can be observed.
Pregnancy and the period of a lactation, hypocalcemia, hypersensitivity to drug.
Strengthening of the by-effects described above is possible.
Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light, at a temperature not below 0 °C. Divorced 2% solution is stored in the refrigerator within 1 month. To store in the place, unavailable to children!
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
20% solution for preparation of 2% of solution for intake in polyethylene tanks on 100 ml and in bottles on 50 ml and 100 ml.