
Producer: Esparma GmbH (Esparma Gmbh) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G04BC
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets are sparkling.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 1197 mg lemon acids, 967,5 mg of potassium of a hydrocarbonate, 835,5 mg of sodium of citrate.
Excipients: lactoses monohydrate, Mannitolum, adipic acid, macrogoal 6000, sodium saccharinate, fragrance lemon.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Dissolves and prevents formation of urate stones due to alkalization of urine to values рН 6,6 - 6,8 (at рН urine within 6,6 - 6,8 dissolution of salts of uric acid considerably increases). Besides, reduces calcium removal, improves solubility of calcium of oxalate in urine, inhibits formation of crystals and, therefore, education is interfered by calcium - oxalic stones.
Pharmacokinetics. Bioavailability – about 100%. It is removed by kidneys.
Indications to use:
• dissolution urate and calcium - oxalic stones and the prevention of their education;
• dissolution of the mixed urate and oxalic stones (at the maintenance of oxalates less than 25%);
• alkalifying of urine at the persons receiving the cytostatics or drugs increasing removal of uric acid;
• symptomatic treatment of a porphyria of skin.
Route of administration and doses:
Before intake of a tablet dissolve in 200 ml of liquid (tea, fruit juice, or alkaline mineral water). A daily dose – 2 - 6 tablets.
The daily dose is evenly distributed during the day and is accepted after food. The dose is considered correctly picked up if рН within a day is in limits 6,2 – 7,0 (for dissolution of urate stones); 7,5 - 8,5 (for tsistinovy stones); 7,2 - 7,5 (for treatment of a porphyria); at least 7,0 (at treatment by cytostatics). If value рН urine provided below, the dose needs to be increased if above – to reduce. Treatment duration – 4 - 6 months.
Efficiency control (definition рН urine) is carried out by 3 times a day, before reception of each single dose by means of indicator paper. The received color on paper is compared within 2 minutes to a scale and bring the received size in a control calendar.
In the presence of tsistinovy stones and treatment of a porphyria for control of efficiency it is necessary to use special indicator paper with size рН from 7,2 to 9,7.
Features of use:
The average daily dose (12 g of the granulated powder or 4 sparkling tablets) contains about 1,5 mg of potassium and 0,9 g of sodium (it is necessary to consider at patients with restriction of consumption of table salt). It is possible to apply at the chronic renal failure which is not followed by a delay of potassium ions. It is possible to appoint a sick diabetes mellitus.
At dissolution of urate stones it is not necessary to exceed a daily dose as at increase рН higher than 7,0 there is a sedimentation of phosphates on urate crystals that interferes with their further dissolution. During treatment it is necessary to limit reception of products, protein-rich and purine bases, and also to provide sufficient consumption of liquid (not less than 1,5 - 2 liters).
Side effects:
Allergic reactions, hypostases (sodium delay), metabolic alkalosis, dyspepsia.
Interaction with other medicines:
The concomitant use of the drugs containing citrates and aluminum can lead to aluminum absorption strengthening. The interval between receptions of such drugs has to make not less than 2 hours.
The effect of cardiac glycosides can be weakened, at their combined appointment with Blemarenum, in connection with existence in composition of drug of potassium.
Some medicines lowering arterial pressure (antagonists of Aldosteronum, kaliysberegayushchy diuretics, blockers of an angiotensin-converting enzyme), and also anti-inflammatory nonsteroid drugs and analgetics can reduce potassium removal. The possibility of a concomitant use of such means is established by the doctor.
• hypersensitivity;
• acute and chronic renal failure;
• metabolic alkalosis;
• the infections of urinary tract caused by the microorganisms splitting urea;
• рН wet higher than 7;
• need of observance of a rigid electrolyte-deficient diet (for example, at severe forms of arterial hypertension).
Storage conditions:
List B. To store at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children! After opening to protect from moisture hit! A period of validity - 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 20 tablets in a tuba plastic. 4 tubas together with indicator paper, a control calendar and the application instruction place in a cardboard pack.