Prevention of an urolithiasis
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In prevention of an urolithiasis urine outflow normalization (urodynamic of urinary tract) and improvement of function of kidneys has major importance. It is necessary to reveal in time and in case of detection to treat diseases of kidneys and urinary tract which worsen urodynamic and by that break function of kidneys (various anomalies of bodies of uric system, narrowing of an ureter and urethra, a vesicoureteral reflux, a benign hyperplasia of a prostate, a bladder tumor, etc.).
Also important measure of prevention of an urolithiasis is streamlining of the food and drinking modes. For the prevention of emergence of stones of any chemical composition the large role is played by uniform and various food, rational consumption of all main nutrients, abuse of any one type of products, an overeating is inadmissible. Food has to be rich with the main vitamins.
In the drinking mode it is the most important that the amount of liquid made from 1,5 to 3 l a day for reduction of concentration of salts in urine and simplification of an otkhozhdeniye of sand and small stones. However without appointment of the doctor it is impossible to use more than 0,5 l any mineral waters, especially strongly mineralized (even if she is a prednazanchena for treatment of a disease of kidneys) as contains these or those salts which can cause a lithogenesis in the increased quantity.
At an urolithiasis the resort therapy is shown (Pyatigorsk, Truskavets, to Sairma, Zheleznovodsk, etc.). It is proved that improvement of a metabolism and urodynamic is promoted by exercises. However the works connected with long stay standing, business trips, driving on uneven roads, vibration as they provoke migration of stones and renal colic are contraindicated to the patients having stones in kidneys, interfering with full work.
The diet is of great importance. The individual diet is appointed taking into account chemical composition of stones.
In the presence of stones of the urates connected with disturbance of purine exchange for alkalifying of urine the milk and vegetable diet (milk, bread, vegetables and fruit) is recommended. Rich meat soups, meat, a liver and other offal, canned and fish meat, fish, eggs, cheese, sausages, especially smoked are sharply limited. For decrease in acidity of urine appoint drink of alkaline mineral waters — Borjomi, Yessentuki No. 17, Yessentuki No. 4 on 1-2 glasses a day.
At oxalic stones it is necessary to limit consumption of the products containing oxalic acid - a sorrel, spinach, haricot, beet, chocolate, tea, coffee, and also a gooseberry, a rhubarb, strawberry, pepper, currant, a citrus (especially lemons). The food rich with magnesium is recommended: peas, black bread, nuts. Magnesium connects oxalic acid in intestines and removes it with a stake.
In the presence of the phosphorus-carbonate stones which are formed in the alkaline infected urine (including connected with some types of an uric infection), for its acidulation the meat diet is appointed. Meat, grape juice, tomatoes, rice are useful. At identification of phosphates and carbonates limit the use of the products rich with calcium: milk, curdled milk, cheese. It is recommended to add to food citric acid which easily connects calcium and promotes its removal as a part of soluble citrate calcium.
The general recommendations about a diet to patients with an urolithiasis:
- Not to overeat.
- To exclude strong broths, chocolate, cocoa, fried and spicy food from a diet.
- To limit alcoholic drinks.
- To reduce consumption of table (table) salt a little — (to 2-3 g a day), considering the salt which is contained in bread, cheese and other ready foodstuff.
- As for reception of vitamins, in addition to usual polyvitaminic drugs, it is necessary to increase B1 vitamin consumption (contains in potatoes, especially baked, in bananas, nuts, haricot).
- It is not necessary to be fond of vitamin C — ascorbic acid. Constant reception of high doses of the vitamin C which is often recommended for prevention of catarrhal diseases increases probability of formation of stones in kidneys since oxalate exchange is broken. The daily dose of vitamin C should not exceed 1 g.
- During a season of water-melons it is possible to eat them in plenty if the form of a disease has to it no contraindications (for example, the large stones breaking urine outflow). In scientific and traditional medicine of water-melon therapy, and especially the special place is allocated to prevention of an urolithiasis. Patients are recommended to purge kidneys within a week, eating 2-2,5 kg of water-melons in day, it is desirable with black bread. During water-melon treatment in the second half of day daily it is necessary to take a heat sedentary bath. Carrying out this procedure, it is possible to eat a water-melon. Under the influence of a water-melon and heat urinary tract extend, pains decrease and spasms are removed, together with urine there are a sand and small stones.
- To exclude the use of tinned and fried vegetables and tinned juice (in them the inorganic acids causing a disease are formed), to exclude a combination of tinned juice, in particular tomato, with starchy food (bread, porridges, potatoes and other products).
- At tendency to a lithogenesis to include fresh juice of apricots and peaches, grapes in a diet (at treatment it is necessary to limit to grapes or raisin the use of other fruit, and also milk and mineral waters - in order to avoid fermentation processes), dishes from an asparagus.
- To include a radish in a diet (helps at renal pains).
At timely prevention and the correct treatment it is possible to lead a full-fledged life and at an urolithiasis. However it is impossible to relax: at disturbance of a diet and other recommendations stones can appear again and again.
