Prevention of a recurrence of an urolithiasis
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Prevention and a metafilaktika (the prevention of a recurrence) of an urolithiasis is based on treatment of the exchange disturbances leading to a lithogenesis, timely treatment of chronic pyelonephritis and recovery of the broken urine passage.
At normal glomerular filtering not less than 1,5 l recommend reception. liquids in days.
The treatment of a hyperuricemia (increased contents of uric acid in blood) needs to be carried out by suppression of formation of uric acid in an organism by means of enzymatic inhibitors (Miluritum, Allopyrinolum). Decrease in level of uric acid in blood can be reached by use of urikuretik (Butadionum), In all cases it is reasonable to support рН urine at the level of 6,2-6,8 by use of citrate mixes (Magurlitum, Blemarenum, etc.) and Natrii hydrocarbonas (baking soda).
The main method which is applied to decrease in an oksaluriya is oral administration of magnesium oxide or salts of magnesium and a pyridoxine which reduce formation of oxalic acid, increase solubility of calcium oxalate. At treatment of a hypercalcuria it is quite often enough to limit intake of calcium in an organism by an exception of dairy products.
From medicines recommend hypothiazid. At treatment by hypothiazid it is necessary to increase the content of potassium in a diet. Appoint 200 g of dried fruits (dried apricots, raisin) a day. Treatment needs to be carried out under strict control of electrolytic composition of blood. Decrease in a hypercalcemia at primary hyper parathyroidism reach thyrocalcitonin use.
The anti-purine diet is necessary for patients with gout, and also for the persons having disturbances of exchange of uric acid: an uratny nephrolithiasis, a hyperuricemia, a hyper uricosuria (stones in the urinary tract consisting of salts of uric acid - urates, the increased level of uric acid in blood or urine).
Can lead disturbances of exchange of uric acid to development of the gout which is shown recurrent arthritises, to increase in arterial pressure, formation of stones in kidneys, to development of intersticial nephrite and a renal failure.

Development of an urolithiasis