
Producer: Polpharma/Medana Pharma S. A. (Polfarm / Medan of Pharm S.A.) Poland
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G04BC
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Paste.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agents: 67,2 g of the condensed extract prepared from a rhizome of a wheat grass, a peel of onions, leaves of a birch, seeds of a trigonella, roots of parsley, a grass of a golden rod, a grass of a horsetail field, roots a lyubistka, herbs of the mountaineer bird's (1:1,3-1,6).
Pharmacological properties:
Derivatives of flavone, inositol, the silicates and saponins which are contained in drug have diuretic effect. Silicates play a role of protective colloids and prevent crystallization of mineral components in urinary tract, favorably influence preservation of balance between crystalloids and colloids of urine. Components of essential oils provide bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect of drug. Besides, by irritation of renal tubules the mocheotdeleniye increases. Saponins reduce surface intention, form protective colloids and emulsify pathogenic components of urine, prevent formation of sand and stones in kidneys.
Drug renders the diuretic, antiinflammatory, bacteriostatic and anesthetizing action.
Promotes washing away of small concrements, prevents increase in concrements or emergence of new.
Has diuretic and antiinflammatory effect, promotes washing away of small concrements from a renal pelvis and ureters.
Indications to use:
The infectious and inflammatory conditions of uric ways accompanying an urolithiasis; preventively — for prevention of a recurrence of an urolithiasis.
Route of administration and doses:
To adults and children 15 years on one reception are more senior appoint 1 teaspoon (about 5 g) of the paste dissolved in ½ glasses of warm water. To apply 3–4 times a day after food.
Course of treatment which usually makes from 2 to 6 weeks, the doctor depending on the nature of a disease and efficiency of treatment defines. If necessary the course of treatment can be repeated.
Features of use:
It is not necessary to use drug in case of the hypostases caused by a heart or renal failure.
Use during pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Data on safety and efficiency of use of drug during pregnancy and feeding by a breast are absent therefore it is not necessary to apply Phytolysinum during this period.
Children. As experience of use of drug for children aged up to 15 years is absent, it is not necessary to appoint it to patients of this age category.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of vehicles and work with other mechanisms. It was not reported.
Side effects:
Disturbances of flavoring feelings, nausea, allergic reactions (rash, urticaria, an itch) are in rare instances possible. At hypersensitivity to ultraviolet rays the photosensitization is possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Due to the diuretic effect of drug it is necessary to consider a possibility of the accelerated removal of other drugs which are used at the same time. Phytolysinum can strengthen effect of gipoglikemiziruyushchy drugs, NPVP, MAO inhibitors, anticoagulants, to prolong effect of pentabarbital, paracetamol. Phytolysinum can reduce absorption of medicines in a small intestine, in particular beta carotene, alpha tocopherol, and also XC.
Hypersensitivity to drug components. Acute nephrite, nephrosis, phosphatic lithiasis, renal failure, heart failure. Period of pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Age up to 15 years.
It was not reported.
Storage conditions:
In the dry place at a temperature of 15-25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Paste baby сусп. for перор. comment of a tube of 100 g.