intestine operations
- Description
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Distinguish operations palliative and radical.
Palliative operations:
- imposing of fecal fistula;
- creation of an artificial anus;
- formation of a bypass anastomosis.
Radical operations - a single-step resection - a cross and colonic, sigmoid, right or left half of a colon.
Traditional operations at diseases of a large intestine at the expense of a section of a front abdominal wall are traumatic, as a rule lead to long paresis of intestines in the early postoperative period and to development of an adhesive desease.
Indications to carrying out endosurgeries on a large intestine same, as in classical surgery. Anomaly of a large intestine or vessels, the expressed cicatricial changes of a front abdominal wall, locally-spread malignant process can be refusal of operation.

Technology of operation on a large intestine