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Dermatosis of pregnant women


The dermatosis of pregnant women is an external skin manifestation of the pathological processes proceeding in the woman's organism during pregnancy. This very serious state demanding medical control and treatment as not always at a dermatosis the result of pregnancy happens safe.

Reasons of a dermatosis of pregnant women:

Most often the dermatosis of pregnant women develops on the third trimester of pregnancy. Risk group are primapara women at whom on the first trimester severe toxicosis was observed. A dermatosis at pregnancy can have various form: herpetiform impetigo, papular dermatitis, herpes of pregnant women, пруриго pregnant women, papular small tortoiseshell and others.

Symptoms of a dermatosis of pregnant women:

The dermatosis of pregnant women in the form of herpetiform impetigo meets very seldom. According to researchers, this type is a form of the pustular psoriasis caused by a strong gestation of an organism. As a rule, the similar dermatosis appears on the last trimeter of pregnancy. Its clinical symptoms – emergence in inguinal folds of erythematic spots which turn into pustules, streondilomatozny growths and vegetation after a while. If mucous membranes are surprised, then similar erythematic spots can expand up to a gullet. In addition to skin rashes at pregnant women the fever, fever, an arthralgia, diarrhea, considerable loss of weight, a spasm and oppressed psychological state can be observed. If not to take medical measures, then the risk of a still birth and mortality at childbirth increases.

At diagnosis it is necessary to differentiate herpetiform impetigo from a subcorneal pustulez at whom the listed signs are expressed much less. Treatment does not differ from that which is appointed at pustular psoriasis. The dermatosis of pregnant women under the name Spangler's dermatitis (papular dermatitis) is diagnosed approximately in 0,03% of cases and on any trimeter of pregnancy. The symptomatology includes emergence of red pruritic papules which the pregnant woman often combs. Papules completely develop approximately in a week, and after their disappearance there is a hyperpegmentation of affected areas of skin. About 30% of cases pregnancy at papular dermatitis come to an end with premature abortion. Often this disease develops at the woman and at the subsequent pregnancies.

The forecast for pregnancy considerably improves use of corticosteroid therapy. The dermatosis of pregnant women in a herpetic form meets extremely seldom, approximately in one case on 1700 pregnancies. It is a severe form of a dermatosis, and it can develop at any stage of a gestation. Rashes usually have an appearance of the inflamed papules, bubbles which can be localized on any site of skin. These papules independently grow, but can recur by the time of childbirth or in a puerperal period. If not to undergo treatment, then in one of three cases register premature births or a still birth. All subsequent pregnancies are followed by a recurrence of herpes of pregnant women, but at the same time in more severe form and on earlier stalemates of a gestation.
Carry to a dermatosis, more favorable on the forecast, пруриго Benye's pregnant women. The dermatosis of pregnant women of this kind develops on the third trimester, is symptomatic shown as the small pruritic papules which are localized on the interiors of elbow joints, the backs of hands, on feet, spin and a breast. Rashes can disappear spontaneously after the delivery, leaving the hyper pigmented sites. The dermatosis of pregnant women under the name a small tortoiseshell of pregnant women or pruritic urtikarny papules and plaques of pregnancy meets frequency of 0,002%. The tendency to emergence of these strongly pruritic papules and plaques develops at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy.

Localization of these papules – a stomach, hips, upper extremities and buttocks. Never mention an upper part of a trunk and a face. The forecast for permission of pregnancy at a small tortoiseshell always favorable, and treatment includes reception of locally steroid drugs and antihistamines inside. Any rashes which developed on skin, itching or not giving troubles need to be inspected regarding danger to permission of pregnancy.

Дерматоз беременных

Dermatosis of pregnant women

Treatment of a dermatosis of pregnant women:

Treatment consists in systematic reception of corticosteroid drugs and antihistamines, antipruritic creams and ointments. Any rashes which developed on skin, itching or not giving troubles need to be inspected regarding danger to permission of pregnancy. Not only the obstetrician-gynecologist, but also the dermatologist, and in certain cases even the endocrinologist can perform treatment (if emergence of rash and itch is caused by immune failure in the pregnant woman's organism).

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