
Producer: Minskinterkaps Unitary Enterprise Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: N06BX
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 400 mg of piracetam, 25 mg of cinnarizine.
Excipients: calcium stearate, magnesium carbonate the main.
Structure of a cover of the capsule: gelatin, глицерол, the water purified titanium dioxide, sodium lauryl sulfate.
The combined nootropic drug with the expressed antihypoxemic and vasodilating action improving cerebral circulation and brain metabolism.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Piracetam belongs to the class of the nootropic substances exerting positive impact on exchange processes of a brain. It increases concentration of ATP in brain fabric, strengthens biosynthesis of RNA and phospholipids, stimulates glycoclastic processes, strengthens glucose utilization. Piracetam improves integrative activity of a brain, promotes memory consolidation, has protective action at different forms of a cerebral hypoxia, facilitates training process.
Piracetam is well soaked up at intake. At introduction to an organism gets into various bodies and fabrics, including brain tissues. Practically it is not metabolized. It is removed through kidneys. It is a little toxic (in acute animal experiments the lethal dose exceeds 10 g/kg at intravenous administration).
Piracetam is applied in neurologic, psychiatric and narcological practice.
In neurologic practice piracetam is applied mainly at vascular diseases of a brain (atherosclerosis, a hypertension, vascular parkinsonism) with the phenomena of the chronic cerebral and vascular insufficiency which is shown in disturbances of memory, attention, the speech in dizzinesses and a headache; at disturbances of cerebral circulation and at coma and subcomas after an injury and intoxication of a brain, and also during recovery therapy after these states for the purpose of increase in motor and mental performance of patients.
Piracetam is applied also at children with the diseases of a nervous system which are followed by decrease intellectual мнестических functions and disturbances of the emotional and strong-willed sphere.
In psychiatric practice piracetam is applied at patients with neurotic and astenoadinamichesky depressions of various genesis with dominance in a clinical picture of signs of an adynamia, asthenic and senesto-hypochiondrial disturbances, the phenomena of ideatorny block, and also at therapy of sluggish and apathetic defective states at schizophrenia, at psychoorganic syndromes of various etiology, senile and atrophic processes, in complex therapy of the mental diseases proceeding by "integrally defective mail". Besides, piracetam is applied as supportive application at treatment of depressions, resistant to antidepressants, and also at bad portability of neuroleptics and other psychotropic drugs for the purpose of elimination or prevention of the caused or somatovegetativny, neurologic and mental complications. As supportive application piracetam can be applied at epilepsy.
In narcological practice it is applied as means of stopping abstinent, pre-and delirious states at alcoholism and drug addiction, and also in cases of an acute alcoholic poisoning, morphine, barbiturates and Phenaminum, etc. Besides, piracetam apply at treatment of an alcoholism with the phenomena of permanent disturbances of mental activity (an adynamy, intellectual мнестические disturbances, etc.).
Cinnarizine improves cerebral, peripheric and coronary circulation and microcirculation, increases ability of erythrocytes to deformation, reduces the increased viscosity of blood and increases resistance of fabrics to a hypoxia.
It has also direct spasmolytic effect on blood vessels, reduces their reaction to biogenic vasoconstrictive substances (adrenaline, noradrenaline), exponentiates action on CO2 brain vessels. Cinnarizine significantly does not influence the system arterial pressure, heart rate, contractility and conductivity of heart.
Cinnarizine has moderate antihistaminic activity, reduces excitability of a vestibular mechanism (suppresses a nystagmus).
Pharmacological properties of cinnarizine are considerably caused by its ability to block membrane calcium channels. It inhibits receipt in cells of calcium ions and reduces their keeping in depot of plasmolemmas.
Cinnarizine is well soaked up. At intake the peak of concentration in a blood plasma is observed in 1-3 hours; elimination half-life about 4 hours. It is actively metabolized. A third of metabolites is allocated with urine, and 2/3 – with a stake.
Apply cinnarizine at disturbances of cerebral and peripheric circulation, vestibular frustration. Despite existence of antihistaminic activity, specially as antihistaminic means it is not used because of availability of more effective drugs.
As cerebrovascular means is appointed at the disturbances of cerebral circulation connected with the vasospasm, atherosclerosis postponed craniocereberal injuries, a stroke. Drug reduces the tserebroastenichesky phenomena, a headache, a sonitus, improves the general state.
Appoint cinnarizine at migraine, Menyer's disease.
Cinnarizine reduces also spasms of peripheral vessels and improves blood circulation at an obliterating endarteritis, a thromboangitis, a Raynaud's disease, the alternating lameness, a Crocq's disease and other disturbances of peripheric circulation.
At a combination of piracetam and cinnarizine both components mutually exponentiate action of each other without increase in toxicity as toxicity of a combination does not exceed toxicity of separate components.
Concerning impact of drug on TsNS cinnarizine sedation prevails. The therapeutic effect of drug is shown in 1-6 hours.
Indications to use:
- a psychoorganic syndrome of various origin (including at acute and chronic diseases of vessels of a brain, after brain injuries, at infectious and inflammatory diseases of a nervous system);
- the labyrinthopathy which is followed by dizziness, a sonitus, a nystagmus, nausea and vomiting;
- Menyer's syndrome;
- prevention of kinetoz;
- prevention and treatment of migraine;
- a brain heart attack in a subacute stage and in the course of transition to a chronic stage;
- chronic hypertensia with encephalopathy;
- traumatic encephalopathy;
- asthenic syndrome of a psychogenic origin (uneasiness, emotional discomfort, acrimony, disturbance of memory, attention, emotional lability);
- need of improvement of memory and training of children with lag of intellectual development.
Пирацезин® it is especially convenient to apply when the doctor appoints piracetam and cinnarizine at the same time – instead of two capsules it is necessary to accept only one.
Route of administration and doses:
The adult drug is appointed on 1-2 capsules by 3 times a day within 1-3 months depending on disease severity.
To children from 5 to 12 years appoint a half of a dose of the adult.
To children 12 years on 1 - 2 capsules 1-2 times a day are more senior.
Features of use:
As cinnarizine is a part of Piratsezina®, drug can cause positive reaction in athletes when carrying out dope - the test.
Пирацезин® is choice drug in cases when monotherapy by piracetam causes tension and sleeplessness in the patient.
At treatment of patients with a cortical myoclonia it is necessary to avoid the sharp termination of treatment (risk of resuming of attacks).
It must be kept in mind that development of by-effects is most characteristic of patients with mental disorders, the sharpening of coronary insufficiency arises at heavy patients more often; in these cases it is necessary to lower a dose or to stop therapy.
Reception of Piratsezina® in therapeutic doses is possible at control of vehicles and work with the equipment.
Side effects:
Dermatological reactions: in some cases – rash, an itch, a photosensitization.
Dizziness, tremor, nervousness, excitement (including sexual in isolated cases), irritability, concern, a sleep disorder, weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pains.
Interaction with other medicines:
At simultaneous use with Piratsezinom® strengthening of effect of sedative drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, nootropic and antihypertensives, and also ethanol is possible.
At simultaneous use vazodilatator strengthen action of Piratsezina®, and hypertensive means reduce it.
At advanced and senile age of Piratsezin® strengthens effect of anti-anginal drugs. Reduces the need for nitroglycerine.
Пирацезин® it is contraindicated at:
- abnormal liver functions;
- renal failures (clearance of creatinine less than 20 ml/min.);
- parkinsonism;
- pregnancies;
- lactations;
- hypersensitivity to drug components.
Storage conditions:
Drug should be stored in the unavailable to children, protected from moisture and light place at a temperature from 15 °C to 25 °C. A period of validity - 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 10 pieces in blister strip packagings, on 6 strip packagings in a cardboard box.