DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Neurology Spastic wryneck

Spastic wryneck

see also:


Spastic wryneck, cervical dystonia — a dystonic disease, a type of a wryneck in which the wrong position of the head is caused by a pathological muscle tension of a neck.

Symptoms of the Spastic wryneck:

The first symptoms of a disease appear usually between 30 and 50 years of life. Over time the affected muscles hypertrophy, and there comes steady restriction to the movement. The antagonistic muscles who are responsible for the movement in other party atrophy.

Вид больной со спастической кривошеей

Type of the patient with a spastic wryneck

Reasons of the Spastic wryneck:

The majority of cases of a spastic wryneck are independent (idiopathic). Symptomatic dystonia is possible as the beginning of generalized torsion dystonia (at children), Wilson-Konovalov's disease or as the response to introduction of neuroleptics, and also owing to rickets, merge, changes and dislocations of cervical vertebrae, injuries of muscles of a neck, neuralgia of occipital nerves, at tumors, hems in a neck, and also in cases of the deforming spondylosis and osteochondrosis of cervical department of a backbone.

Treatment of the Spastic wryneck:

The spastic wryneck will very badly respond to treatment. Positive, but often only the temporary effect can achieve by means of anticholinergics. The modern standard of treatment are injections of botulinum toxin in the affected muscle. They cause temporary, within several weeks, damage of muscles, returning the head in the correct situation and stopping pain. As a last resort operational treatment is required.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Spastic wryneck:

  • Препарат Диспорт.


    Muscle relaxant of peripheral action.

    Ipsen Pharma France

  • Препарат Ксеомин.


    Peripheral muscle relaxant.

    Merz Pharma (Mertz of Pharm) Germany

  • Сайт детского здоровья