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Earlier this disease had the name a scab which is not applied now. This fungal infection is known since the most ancient times, it was very widespread disease. Over time the number of patients was sharply reduced in connection with growth of cultural and material well-being of the population of the country, illiteracy elimination, medical examination and broad sanitary and educational work.

Favus symptoms:

There are four kinds of a favus. It is a favus of a pilar part of the head, smooth skin, nails and a visceral favus.

    * Favus of a pilar part of the head

Has an appearance of skutulyarny, squamous (pitirioidny) and impetiginous forms. The skutulyarny form is typical for a favus, and squamous and impetiginous forms are atypical for it. The clinical picture of a skutulyarny form is very characteristic. The pathological center is presented by reddish spots with the crusts of ocherous-yellow color pressed in the center. These elements are called skutula, or favose guards. They by outward remind the turned saucer and consist of true culture of a mushroom with a horn masses in a small amount. Under skutuly after its removal often find hems or a cicatricial atrophy of skin. All pilar part of the head is surprised, but on its edge there is a strip of healthy hair. The hair affected with a favus do not break off, and become thinner and become gray, dim, their natural gloss is lost, they as though are covered with dust and by the form remind tow. The specific musty "granary" or "mouse" smell from hair is characteristic.

The squamous (pitirioidny) form is characterized by emergence of congestive sites of skin with a hyperemia and a plentiful melkoplastinchaty peeling, as at sharply expressed seborrhea.

The Impetigiozny form of a favus is shown by education in mouths of follicles of hair of pustules which when drying form the crusts reminding impetigiozny. In the absence of treatment the favus lasts for months and comes to an end with a cicatricial atrophy of head skin. There is only a narrow border of the remained healthy hair on border with smooth skin.

    * Favus of smooth skin

This form of a favus usually is secondary after defeat of a pilar part of the head. It is very seldom allocated as an independent disease. At a skutulyarny form of a favus of smooth skin on it typical skutula (favose guards) which are capable to expand and merge among themselves are formed. Process can be limited. Atypical forms of a favus of smooth skin are characterized by the erythematic centers with a peeling, capable to the peripheral growth and merge with each other (a pitirioidny form). On smooth skin favose elements do not leave a cicatricial atrophy.

    * Favus of nails

At a favus of nails nail plates are involved in process slowly. The disease begins with education in the center of a nail of a brown speck or strip of yellow color. They exist long enough, gradually extending, and over time take all nail plate. More often nails of brushes are surprised. Destructions of nail plates at a favus are insignificant.

    * Visceral (internals) favus

Occurs at the exhausted, weakened faces which suffer from a tubercular form of an infection. Lungs, digestive tract, covers and substance of a brain can be surprised. The activator at this form of a favus find in a phlegm, Calais, cerebrospinal fluid and in punctate of lymph nodes.

Favus reasons:

The activator is the anthropophilous mushroom which is located in a hair and is endotriksy.

Treatment of the Favus:

The main direction in treatment of a favus: specific general and local therapy in combination with nonspecific methods of treatment (vitamin and an immunotherapy) in the conditions of a hospital.

Drug treatment.
Griseofulvin in a dose of 16 mg/kg daily to l-go of the negative analysis on mushrooms, then every other day 2 weeks and 2 more weeks 2 times a week, outwardly various antimycotics (usually 3-5% iodine solution in alternation with Unguentum sulfuratum).

The forecast at a favus.
Without treatment the disease can proceed many years, sometimes leading to full or almost full cicatricial baldness. At visceral forms of a favus the forecast for life unsatisfactory.
Possible complications at a favus. Development of visceral forms of a favus (favose pneumonia, peritonitis), development on sites of a favose atrophy of various malignant tumors and first of all spinalioma (aculeiform and cellular cancer).

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