Мульти-табс® B-complex

Producer: Ferrosan A/S (Ferrosan And / C) Denmark
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A11EA
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Tablets, film coated | 1 table. |
B1 vitamin (thiamin mononitrate) | 15 mg |
B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum) | 15 mg |
B6 vitamin (pyridoxine hydrochloride) | 15 mg |
B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine) | 5 mkg |
niacinamide | 60 mg |
pantothenic acid (calcium pantothenate) | 30 mg |
folic acid | 200 mkg |
the inactive ingredients which are a part of substances: maltodextrin; sodium citrate; citric acid; water | |
excipients: calcium sulfate dihydrate; starch corn; MKTs; gelatin; глицерол 85%; magnesium stearate; stearic acid; hydrophosphate calcium dihydrate; silicon dioxide colloid; Acidum hydrochloricum concentrated | |
tablet cover: gipromelloza 3; gipromelloza 15; talc; ferrous oxide yellow (E172); ferrous oxide red (E172) |
Pharmacological properties:
The combined polyvitaminic complex. Effect of drug is defined by properties of the vitamins which are its part.
B1 vitamin (thiamin) is a necessary component of carbohydrate metabolism as a coenzyme component for decarboxylation of ketonic acids; plays an important role in carbohydrate, proteinaceous and a lipometabolism, participates in carrying out nervous excitement in synapses. Insufficiency of thiamin causes disturbance of activity peripheral and the central nervous system, and also disturbance from cardiovascular system.
B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum) is an irreplaceable component of many flavoproteinovy enzymes participating in oxidizing processes. Riboflavinum promotes improvement of a condition of mucous membranes of an oral cavity, an eye, skin, improves a condition of a nervous system.
B6 vitamin (a pyridoxine a hydrochloride) has zhiznennovazhny influence on exchange of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and is necessary for a normal metabolism, a hemopoiesis, normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system.
B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine) is necessary for life activity of cells of an organism. The greatest need for B12 is shown by cells of marrow, a nervous system and an intestinal path. Cyanocobalamine is necessary for normal functioning of a nervous system, a hemopoiesis.
RR vitamin (никотинамин) is a component of NAD and NADF which participate in transfer of a hydrogen ion at synthesis of fatty acids, during glycolysis and tissue respiration, plays the vital value for cellular metabolism. Niacinamide normalizes the GITs functions; it is shown at disturbances of the functions of the central and peripheral nervous system connected with insufficiency of niacinamide.
Pantothenic acid - is an important component of a coenzyme And, is necessary in exchange of carbohydrates and fatty acids, participates in synthesis of steroid hormones, porphins and acetylcholine.
Folic acid - is transformed in an organism to the tetrahydrofolic acid which is coenzyme of reactions in which separate carbohydrate atoms for synthesis of purines and pyrimidines participate. Deficit of folic acid leads to decrease in intellectual opportunities.
Indications to use:
Prevention and treatment of the hypovitaminoses, states which are followed by the increased need for group B vitamins:
— the recovery period after serious somatic and infectious diseases;
— syndrome of chronic fatigue;
— prevention of asthenic and neurotic states, stress;
— polyneurites of various etiology, neuralgia;
— dermatitis and dermatosis of various etiology.
Route of administration and doses:
If other scheme of dosing is not appointed, then it is recommended to appoint to adults and children 12 years on 1 tablets of 1-3 times/days are more senior.
To accept along with meal or right after it.
For prevention and treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy, polyneurites of various etiology, neuralgia - on 1-2 tablets of 3 times/days. The minimum course - 2-3 months.
Features of use:
During administration of drug reception of other polyvitaminic complexes, for the purpose of overdose prevention is not recommended.
The complex of vitamins of group B reduces protivoparkinsonichesky efficiency of a levodopa.
Alcohol sharply reduces thiamin absorption.
It is not necessary to exceed the specified day dose.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions to drug components are in rare instances possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
During administration of drug reception of other polyvitaminic complexes, in order to avoid overdose is not recommended. The complex of vitamins of group B reduces protivoparkinsonichesky efficiency of a levodopa. Alcohol sharply reduces thiamin absorption.
— individual intolerance of components of drug.
There are no data.
Storage conditions:
To store in in unavailable to children, the dry place at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets, покр. film cover: 60 or 100 pieces.