
Producer: RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A12BA
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 45 mg of potassium of L-asparaginate, 40 mg of magnesium of L-asparaginate.
Excipients: sorbite, water for injections.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Drug promotes elimination of deficit of potassium and magnesium, has antiarrhytmic effect, improves a metabolism in a myocardium, normalizes electrolytic balance. Is a donor of potassium ions and magnesium, promotes their penetration into intracellular space. Coming to cells, L-asparaginate joins in metabolism processes. Use of L-asparaginate instead of DL asparaginate promotes decrease in toxicity of drug.
Mg ions ++ reduce excitability of neurons, slow down neuromuscular transmission, participate in many enzymatic reactions, activate Na+-K+-ATF-azu, deleting from Na cell + and returning K+, reduce concentration of Na+, interfere with exchange of Na + on Ca ++ in unstriated muscles of vessels, lowering their resistance. Ions stimulate with K+ ATP synthesis, is glucogenic, proteins, acetylcholine, etc., reduce excitability and conductivity of a myocardium, in big concentration oppress automatism. Both ions participate in maintenance of intracellular osmotic pressure, processes of carrying out and transfer of nervous impulses, reduction of skeletal muscles.
Pharmacokinetics. Ions by K+ and Mg ++ are quickly and fully soaked up and distributed on all body tissues. Potassium concentration in a blood plasma remains raised rather not for long because of bystry receipt it in cells and removal from an organism. The considerable share of ions of Mg ++ in plasma (25 — 30%) forms complex connections with proteins. Ions by K+ and Mg ++ are excreted preferential with urine, in small amounts — with excrements, then, tears, etc. At a renal failure removal of ions of K+ and Mg ++ can be slowed down.
The L-aspartic acid acting as the acid-forming rest is endogenous connection and therefore has higher speed of redistribution in an organism that can provide higher bioavailability.
Indications to use:
As a part of complex therapy:
- completion of deficit of K+ and Mg2+, including at coronary heart disease (including an acute myocardial infarction), chronic heart failure, arrhythmias (including against the background of digitalis intoxication).
Route of administration and doses:
The drug is administered intravenously 1 — 2 time a day within 5 days. The dose of drug is defined individually depending on indications to use. As a rule, contents of 1 — 2 ampoules or bottles (10 ml) part in 20 — 30 ml of isotonic solution of sodium of chloride or 5% of solution of glucose and enter slowly (no more than 5 ml a minute) into a vein or part contents of 1 — 2 ampoules or bottles (10 ml) in 100 — 200 ml of 5% of solution of glucose and enter into a vein kapelno 1 — 2 time a day.
Features of use:
Together with solution for injections of "Asparkam-L" it is possible to appoint strophanthin or drugs of a foxglove in case of need.
Side effects:
At administration of drug nausea, dizziness, disturbance of intra ventricular conductivity, face reddening, phlebitis, lowering of arterial pressure, a hyporeflexia, respiratory depression, spasms are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Reduces effect of cardiac glycosides. Simultaneous use of kaliysberegayushchy diuretics can lead to a hyperpotassemia and a gipermagniyemiya. When mixing with other injection solutions there can be opacification or opalescence, such mixes should not be entered.
Drug is contraindicated at an acute and chronic renal failure, a hyperpotassemia, a gipermagniyemiya, an atrioventricular block, a heavy myasthenia, hypersensitivity to sorbite.
Symptoms: a hyperpotassemia (bradycardia, arrhythmia, falling of the ABP, a vascular collapse, a diastolic stop of cordial activity, neurotoxic symptoms) and a gipermagniyemiya (nausea, vomiting, a lethargy, weakness of a bladder, deterioration in atrioventricular carrying out and ventrikulyarny spread of activation, at higher concentration of ions of Mg ++ in plasma — falling of the ABP, breath paralysis, "a magnesian anesthesia", at extremely high concentration — a diastolic stop of cordial activity).
Treatment: intravenous administration of solutions of salts of calcium and sodium, intravenous drop administration of glucose with insulin (1 PIECE of insulin on each 3 — 5 g of glucose). At the peripheral paresis caused by toxic action of ions of Mg ++, especially at paralysis of respiratory muscles administration of physostigmine is possible. In the presence of a renal failure extrarenal removal can be carried out by a hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.
Storage conditions:
To store in the place protected from light at a temperature not above 25 °C. A period of validity - 2 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for injections in ampoules of 5 ml in packaging No. 5 (in a blister strip packaging No. 5х1), No. 10 (in a blister strip packaging No. 5х2).