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Lugol solution

Препарат Люголя раствор. "Vishpha" Украина

Producer: "Vishpha" Ukraine

Code of automatic telephone exchange: R02AA20

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution.

Indications to use: Laryngitis. Tonsillitis. Pharyngitis.

General characteristics. Structure:

Main physical and chemical properties: transparent siropoobrazny solution of red-brown color with an iodine smell.
Structure: 100 g of drug contain:
active ingredients: iodine — 1 g, iodide potassium — 2 g;
excipients: glycerin, the water purified.

Pharmacological properties:

Lugol solution with glycerin has bactericidal effect at the expense of the free iodine which is contained in it. Drug possesses antimicrobic action on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including on streptococci, staphylococcus, colibacillus, klebsiyella, vulgar proteas.

Indications to use:

Lugol solution with glycerin is applied at various inflammatory processes of mucous membranes of a throat and throat — at chronic laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. 

Route of administration and doses:

Adults, and children can use drug both. Lugol solution with glycerin is applied outwardly. Grease with the tampon moistened with drug mucous membranes of a throat and a throat.

Duration of a course of treatment depends on the nature of a disease and its expressiveness. 

Features of use:


Side effects:

Drug is usually well transferred, but at prolonged use, overdose or hypersensitivity the iodism phenomena can appear (cold, urticaria, salivation, muscular weakness, block, a Quincke's edema and др).

Interaction with other medicines:

It is unknown.


Drug is contraindicated at hypersensitivity of an organism to iodine.


Emergence of the phenomena of an iodism is possible.

Storage conditions:

To store in cool (8–15 °C), protected from light and the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity — 3 years.

Issue conditions:

Without recipe


On 25 g in bottles droppers.

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