
Producer: Mega Lifescienses (MEGA of Layfsayns) Australia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A11AA04
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
1 capsule of drug Vitakap contains:
Vitamin A (palmitate Retinolum) - 5000 MO;
B1 vitamin (nitrate thiamin) - 5 mg;
B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum) - 5 mg;
B6 vitamin (hydrochloride pyridoxine) - 2 mg;
B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine) - 5 mkg;
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 75 mg;
D3 vitamin (cholecalciferol) - 400 MO;
Vitamin E (acetate Dl-ά-токоферола) - 15 mg;
Folic acid - 1000 mkg;
Dihydrophosphate calcium - 70 mg;
Sulfate zinc - 50 mg;
Gland of a fumarat - 50 mg;
Niacinamide - 45 mg;
D-panthenol - 5 mg;
Oxide magnesium - 0,5 mg;
Sulfate copper - 0,1 mg;
Iodide potassium - 0,025 mg;
Sulfate manganese - 0,01 mg.
Additional ingredients, including lecithin.
Pharmacological properties:
Vitakap – polyvitaminic drug. Vitamins play a significant role in regulation of the majority of biochemical processes in a human body. So vitamins of group B provide normal activity of a nervous system, and also take participation in metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
The pyridoxine as a coenzyme participates in synthesis of neurotransmitters and metabolism of amino acids and proteins.
Riboflavinum promotes an angenesis, participates in DNA formation process, and also acts as the catalyst of visual perception and cellular respiration.
Folic acid and B12 vitamin are necessary for growth of an organism, participate in an erythrogenesis and formation of the nucleotides which are a part of cells of nervous covers.
Ascorbic acid acts as antioxidant, participates in synthesis of steroid hormones and catecholamines, metabolism of iron and folic acid, provides collagen synthesis.
Niacinamide participates in processes carbohydrate and a lipometabolism, and also processes of tissue respiration.
Vitamin E as antioxidant, protects unsaturated acids of membranes from a lipoperoksidation. Tocopherol participates in formation of elastic fibers and collagenic membranes, prevents primary damages.
D3 vitamin regulates exchange processes of phosphorus and calcium.
Iron promotes formation of erythrocytes, and as a part of hemoglobin transports oxygen to fabrics.
Magnesium participates in many enzymatic reactions, reduces excitability of neurons and speed of transfer of nervous impulse to muscles.
Calcium plays an extremely important role in the course of an odontosis and a bone tissue, participates in process of disintegration of a glycogen, ATP synthesis, influences sokratitelny ability of muscles, promotes normal coagulability of blood.
Zinc participates in metabolism of hormones and acids.
Fluorine provides a mineralization of teeth and bones.
Potassium is important for maintenance of osmotic pressure in cells, participates in processes of carrying out nervous impulses, promotes normal functioning and the course of metabolic processes in muscles, including a myocardium.
Manganese participates in tissue respiration, immune responses, development of a bone tissue.
Copper promotes hemopoiesis processes, tissue respiration, immune responses.
The pharmacokinetics of drug is not studied.
Indications to use:
Administration of drug Vitakap is shown in the following cases:
- hypovitaminoses;
- deficit of mineral substances;
- the rehabilitation period after operations or a serious illness;
- витакап also appoint in complex therapy of the patients suffering from inflammatory processes of various localization;
- витакап it can be appointed as addition to a diet of pregnant women and the feeding women.
Route of administration and doses:
Drug Vitakap is intended for intake. Vitakap determines duration of a course of reception and a dose of drug the doctor.
As a rule, appoint reception of 1 capsule in day (preferably to accept drug Vitakap during a breakfast).
The average recommended reception course duration 1 month.
Side effects:
At patients with individual hypersensitivity to drug components Vitakap development of system allergic reactions during therapy is possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not necessary to accept Vitakap in a complex with other polyvitaminic drugs.
Vitakap do not appoint to patients with the known hypersensitivity to any of components of capsules.
Vitakap it is not necessary to apply in therapy of the patients suffering from an erythremia, a hyperglobulia and an acute thromboembolism.
Vitakap do not apply in pediatric practice to treatment of children 15 years are younger.
At patients with tendency to a thrombogenesis during administration of drug it is necessary to control indicators of coagulability of blood.
Vitakap it is necessary to apply with care at patients with chronic nephrite and disturbances of cardiac performance.
To nursing mothers and pregnant women drug is appointed by the doctor. During pregnancy it is necessary to consider possible intake of vitamin A with food stuffs and other drugs as high doses of vitamin A during pregnancy can lead to disturbances of fetation.
The drug overdose Vitakap was not noted.
At accidental reception of high doses of drug Vitakap it is necessary to wash out a stomach and to appoint enterosorbentny means.
Storage conditions:
Vitakap it is possible to apply within 2 years after production on condition of storage in original packaging at temperature condition from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Capsules soft Vitakap on 10 pieces in blisters, 3 or 10 blisters are enclosed in a cardboard pack.