
Producer: OY Santen (JSC Sangteng) Finland
Code of automatic telephone exchange: S01EC03
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Drops are eye.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 22,26 mg of a dorzolamid of a hydrochloride (equivalent of 20 mg of a dorzolamid).
Vspomogatlny substances: hydroxyethylcellulose, Mannitolum, citrate (dihydrate) of sodium, sodium hydroxide, water for injections. As preservative the benzalkoniya chloride is added.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Inhibitor of a karboangidraza II - a dorzolamid a hydrochloride is a part of drug of Trusopt. The karboangidraza inhibition in a ciliary body of an eyeglobe reduces products of intraocular liquid, presumably, thanks to delay of synthesis of ions of bicarbonate with their subsequent recovery to sodium and liquid removal. It is resulted by decrease in intraocular pressure.
Pharmacokinetics. At prolonged use дорзоламид selectively collects in erythrocytes as a result of the selection binding with karboangidrazy II, at the same time concentration of a free dorzolamid in plasma remains extremely low.
Dorzolamid forms the only metabolite - N-dezetil-dorzolamid, a karboangidraza of II, and also the enzyme suppressing to a lesser extent, than дорзоламид, enzyme to a karboangidraz of I. The metabolite collects in erythrocytes, communicating generally with karboangidrazy I.
Dorzolamid in moderate degree contacts proteins of plasma (about 33%).
Dorzolamid and his metabolite are brought preferential in not changed look through kidneys. After the end of treatment дорзоламид it is washed away from erythrocytes unevenly, i.e., very intensively at the beginning that leads to bystry and considerable decrease in concentration, with the subsequent phase of slow washing away with T1/2 about 4 months.
Indications to use:
Трусопт it is appointed for the decrease in the increased intraocular pressure connected and not connected with glaucoma. Трусопт it is shown to patients:
• with intraocular hypertensia (the increased intraocular pressure);
• primary open angle glaucoma, including with pseudo-exfoliative glaucoma;
• with secondary glaucoma (without block of a corner of an anterior chamber of an eye).
Route of administration and doses:
The doctor determines duration of a course of treatment and chooses the necessary dose of drug for each patient. It is impossible to change the doses appointed by the doctor independently. If the patient stops drug use, he should see immediately a doctor behind consultation.
At the isolated use ТРУСОПТа the usual dosage makes on 1 drop in the affected eye (or in both eyes) in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. If for decrease in intraocular pressure the doctor appointed TRUSOPT together with the eye drops relating to group of beta adrenoblockers, dosage ТРУСОПТа makes on 1 drop in the affected eye (or in both eyes) in the morning and in the evening.
At simultaneous use ТРУСОПТа with other eye drops, it is necessary to dig in them with an interval not less than 10 minutes. In order to avoid infection the tip of a bottle should not touch an eye, the fabrics surrounding an eye or any surfaces.
Admission of one dose: it is necessary to apply TRUSOPT according to doctor's instructions. At the accidental admission of one dose it is necessary to dig solution as soon as possible. However if time of the following dose approached, it is recommended to renew the usual scheme of use of drug, without digging in the passed dose.
Features of use:
Use at pregnancy. Pregnant women and women who are going to become pregnant have to report about it to the doctor. The doctor will resolve an issue of expediency of use ТРУСОПТа.
Use when feeding by a breast. Women who nurse or are going to nurse have to report about it to the doctor. The doctor will resolve an issue of appointment ТРУСОПТа.
Use for children. TRUSOPT is not recommended to be applied at children.
Before use ТРУСОПТа it is necessary to report to the doctor about all diseases, allergic reactions and medical problems which were available or available for the patient.
In case of signs of irritation of eyes or any other eye symptoms, such as reddening of eyes the century also swelled, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.
At suspicion on development of allergic reaction to TRUSOPT (for example at emergence of an itch or rash on skin) it is necessary to stop use of drug and to contact as soon as possible the doctor.
Use for patients of advanced age. In the conducted researches patients of advanced and young age had an identical efficiency and safety ТРУСОПТа.
Use for patients with the expressed renal and liver failure. Patients at whom are revealed or were marked out earlier any diseases of a liver and kidneys, have to report about it to the doctor.
Use for patients who carry contact lenses. Patients who carry contact lenses before use ТРУСОПТа should consult at the doctor.
TRUSOPT the benzalkoniya contains in quality of preservative chloride which can be adsorbed by contact lenses. Before use of drug of a lens it is necessary to remove; it is not necessary to put on lenses earlier, than in 15 minutes after a drug instillation.
Influence on ability to operate the vehicle and to work with the equipment. Some possible side effects ТРУСОПТа can break ability to manage transport and to work with the equipment (see. Side EFFECTS).
Side effects:
Any drug can render unforeseen or undesirable effects which are called side effects.
At appointment ТРУСОПТа such eye symptoms as burning sensation, sight misting, an itch and eye pain, dacryagogue, reddening of eye(s), irritation can be noted a century. After a drug instillation in eyes the patient can feel bitter taste in a mouth.
Among other side effects the headache, dryness in a mouth, nausea, increased fatigue, dizziness, feeling of a pricking, emergence of stones in kidneys are possible, and it is rare - allergic reactions in the form of rash, a small tortoiseshell, an itch, an asthma.
Sometimes at patients other side effects of drug come to light, and some of them can be very serious.
At purpose of drug with the medical purpose the following side effects were noticed:
Hypersensitivity: symptoms of local reaction, including reaction a century, and system reaction, including a Quincke's disease, a bronchospasm, a small tortoiseshell and an itch.
Nervous system: dizziness, paresthesia.
Organs of sight: eye pain, reddening, a superficial dot keratitis, the passing myopia (disappearing after drug withdrawal), the hyperkeratosis phenomena a century.
Skin / mucous membranes: contact dermatitis, irritation of a throat, dryness in a mouth.
If during reception ТРУСОПТа there are above-mentioned symptoms or any other unusual symptoms, it is necessary to report about it to the doctor immediately.
Interaction with other medicines:
The patient has to report to the doctor about all medicines (including about eye drops) which he applies or plans to apply, including those which are on sale without recipe. It is necessary to pay special attention to reception of high doses of aspirin.
TRUSOPT cannot be applied at an allergy on any of its components.
In case of overdose (if the patient dug many drops in eyes or accidentally drank bottle contents) it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.
Storage conditions:
You store at the room temperature (15-30 °C) in protected from light, the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years. It is impossible to use drug after the expiration which is designated on packaging by four figures after the words "It is SUITABLE TO". The two first figures specify month, and two last figures - year.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
2% solution (eye drops) in bottles on 5 ml, on 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.