
Producer: LLC Kusum Pharm Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A03AA31
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
125 mg operating a veshchestva:simetikona, dicyclomine of a hydrochloride of 20 mg.
Auxiliary veshchestva:magniya-aluminum silicate, lactoses monohydrate, cellulose microcrystallic, calcium hydrophosphate, stearic acid, silicon dioxide colloid anhydrous, кросповидон, K29/32 povidone, covering of Opadry II 85G 54275 Pink: ferrous oxide red (Е 172), lecithin, polyethyleneglycol, polyvinyl alcohol, talc, titanium dioxide (Е 171).
Pharmacological properties:
The combined drug. Dicyclomine – cholinolytic which is a part of the drug Gazospazam® can be carried to means of auxiliary therapy of a pain syndrome, i.e. to means which render assistance to anesthesia due to mediocre influence on process of formation of sensation of pain and it which is widely applied in complex therapy, especially at an acute pain. Dicyclomine acts on the level of synapses of a spinal cord, reducing spasticity of muscles. Owing to the weakening influence on unstriated muscles of internals dicyclomine is effective at spastic pain.
Simetikon – carminative means. Reduces surface intention on border of distribution of phases, complicates emergence and renders assistance to a rupture of gas bubbles in a digestive tract. At sleepy and a X-ray analysis prevents appearance of defects of the image, caused by vials of gas; renders assistance to the best irrigation of a mucous membrane of a large intestine contrast medicine which prevents a rupture of a contrast film even in case of intestines swelling.
Indications to use:
Symptomatic treatment of disturbances from a digestive tract which is followed by a spasm of smooth muscles and a meteorism.
For preparation for a X-ray, ultrasonic or tool inspection of abdominal organs.
Route of administration and doses:
For a symptomatic treatment of all types of abdominal pain to adults and children 12 years – on 1 tablet 2–4 times in days in 15 min. prior to meal are more senior.
For preparation for diagnostic testings: to adults and children 12 years – on 1 tablet 3 times in days one day before the research and 1 tablet in the morning before carrying out a research are more senior.
Features of use:
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast.
Drug is contraindicated during pregnancy.
During use of drug it is necessary to stop feeding by a breast.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or work with other mechanisms.
At use of this drug it is not recommended to drive the car, to work with potentially dangerous mechanisms and to participate in any actions where active cerebration is necessary.
Газоспазам® tablets apply to children age of 12 years.
Side effects:
- From a digestive tract: dryness in a mouth, thirst, difficulties when swallowing, nausea, vomiting, decrease in a tone and mobility of a digestive tract, a lock, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, taste loss, anorexia.
- From the central nervous system: dizziness, a poshatyvaniye, a headache, drowsiness, weakness, rocking, nervousness, numbness, confusion of consciousness and/or excitement (especially at elderly people), dyskinesia, slackness, a syncope, difficulties at a conversation, sleeplessness.
- From organs of sight: a vision disorder (a sight illegibility), doubling in eyes, expansion of pupils with loss of accommodation and photophobia, accommodation paralysis, increase in intraocular pressure.
- From skin: a small tortoiseshell, allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes and an itch, reddening and a xeroderma, an anaphylaxis.
- From an urinary system: ischuria, urine incontience.
- From cardiovascular system: short-term bradycardia, tachycardia, arrhythmia, palpitation.
- From respiratory system: apnoea, диспноэ, asphyxia.
- Others: the lowered sweating, a congestion of a nose and throat, sneezing, impotence, decrease in a lactation.
Interaction with other medicines:
Dicyclomine the hydrochloride reduces digoxin absorption. Газоспазам® it is impossible to apply along with anticholinergic drugs. At a concomitant use with alcohol or means which oppress the central nervous system disturbance of a psychophysiological condition of patients is possible. Drug can influence pharmakoterapevtichesky effects of atropinopodobny drugs and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
The increased individual sensitivity to drug components. Obstructive diseases of a digestive tract, hepatic and urinary paths; heavy ulcer colitis; reflux esophagites; an unstable condition of cardiovascular system at acute bleedings; glaucoma; gravis myasthenia. Children's age up to 12 years.
Appropriate security measures at use.
Dicyclomine the hydrochloride can work as light sleeping pill and sedative. At high temperature of air it can reduce sweating and increase body temperature with risk of emergence of heatstroke. This action can be minimized if dicyclomine to apply a hydrochloride in combination with paracetamol. With care use drug the patient with an abnormal liver function or kidneys, at tendency to arterial hypotension, a bronchospasm, and also at the increased individual sensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. At long (it is more than 1 week) use of drug control of peripheral blood and a functional condition of a liver is necessary.
Patients who received anticholinergic drugs can have a psychosis, confusion of consciousness, a disorientation, short-term loss of memory, a hallucination, a dysarthtia, an ataxy, a coma, euphoria, weakness, sleeplessness, excitement, inadequate emotional reactions (symptoms decrease in 12–24 hours after a dose decline).
The overdose by dicyclomine is shown by tachycardia, change of a respiration rate, dryness in a mouth, psychomotor excitement. It is recommended to apply diazepam to control of convulsive states.
Treatment: it is necessary to cause vomiting, to carry out a gastric lavage. Absorbent carbon can be appointed. The patient has to be brought to the nearest hospital for treatment.
Storage conditions:
To store in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C.
To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 7 tablets in the blister, on 2 blisters in cardboard packaging No. 14 (7 x 2).