Styptic means
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Styptic means (synonym: antihemorrhagic means, hemostatics) — the medicines promoting a stop of bleedings.
Styptic means divide into means of resorptive and local action. The haemo static effect of krovoostanavliyushchy means of resorptive action develops at intake of drugs of this group in blood, and haemo static effect of krovoostanavliyushchy means of local action — at their direct contact with the bleeding fabrics. On influence on hemostasis mechanisms among krovoostanavliyushchy means of both groups distinguish specific and nonspecific means.
Styptic means of resorptive action. Krovoostanavliyushchy means of resorptive action some drugs received from blood and representing the cleared concentrates separate (or the sums) coagulant factors of blood are specific. Fibrinogen, a prothrombin complex are among such drugs (contains the sum of factors of II, VII, IX and X), anti-hemophilic globulin (contains a factor of VIII) and a concentrate of a factor of XIII. These drugs are effective at the bleedings connected with inborn or secondary insufficiency of separate blood-coagulation factors. So, for example, fibrinogen is applied at a hereditary afibrinogenemiya, at hypo - and afibrinogenemiya owing to the raised fibrinolysis, the secondary deficit of fibrinogen arising at diseases of a liver, pernicious anemia, myeloid leukemia, etc. The prothrombin complex is used at hemophilia And yes bleedings owing to secondary insufficiency of the corresponding blood-coagulation factors, for example at overdose of anticoagulants of indirect action. Anti-hemophilic globulin is appointed mainly for prevention and a stop of bleedings at patients with hemophilia. The concentrate of a factor of XIII is effective generally at the hemorrhagic syndrome caused by inborn insufficiency of this factor and also at the hemorrhagic states arising owing to its secondary deficit at diseases of a liver and acute leukoses. Instead of concentrates of blood-coagulation factors at these states it is possible to use a whole blood, and also the freshly frozen or prepared at a low temperature blood plasma.
Styptic means of local action by analogy with resorptive divide on specific and nonspecific.
To specific krovoostanavliyushchy means , local action carry some substances which are components of coagulant system and exerting a direct impact on process of a thrombogenesis (for example, thrombin, thromboplastin), and also the combined drugs (for example, an absorbable gelatin sponge) which part thrombin and thromboplastin are.
Nonspecific krovoostanavliyushchy means of local action promote a thrombogenesis since represent mechanical matrixes on which fibrin is laid. To such krovoostanavliyushchy means belongs оксицелодекс. Topical krovoostanavliyushchy means apply to a stop of capillary and parenchymatous bleedings.

Circulatory system of the person