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Renal hypostasis


Hypostases at a disease of kidneys.

Symptoms of Renal hypostasis:

    *  At first there are hypostases on a face, under eyes
    * Hypostases are soft, friable, skin pale
    * Renal hypostases arise very quickly, for one night or several days
    * The liver does not suffer
    * There are no asthma and other symptoms of heart failure
    * There are symptoms of damage of kidneys - the general weakness, a headache, a back pain, urine discoloration, reduction of amount of the emitted urine is possible
    * In urine there is a protein and blood (is determined by the analysis of urine)
    * Can develop in several days or weeks after the postponed infection (quinsy, a SARS)

Reasons of Renal hypostasis:

- Increase in permeability of membranes of renal balls for protein. At the same time blood loses not only albumine, but also and globulins, transferrin, гаптоглобин, ceruloplasmin and other proteins.
- Disturbance of a reabsorption of proteins in tubules of kidneys. As a result of the specified frustration in blood protein content significantly decreases.
Loss by a protein organism with urine (proteinuria). Daily loss of proteins at a nephrosis can reach 35 — 55 g (at normal removal no more than 50 mg).
- Decrease in concentration of protein in a blood plasma (hypoproteinemia). Level of protein can decrease to 20-25 g/l (at norm of 65-85 g/l).
- Reduction of the effective oncotic soaking-up force.
- Increase in filtering of water in microvessels and accumulation of its surplus in intercellular space and perigastriums (swelled).
- A prelum of absorbent vessels edematous fabric with development of mechanical lymphatic insufficiency and increase of degree of hypostasis of fabrics.
- Reduction of OTsK (hypovolemia)
- The activation of vascular baroreceptors causing strengthening of a reabsorption of Na + in tubules of kidneys.
- The decrease in a blood-groove in kidneys (caused by a hypovolemia) activating the renin — angiotensin — Aldosteronum system. It exponentiates Na reabsorption + in kidneys.
- Increase [Na+] in a blood plasma (hypernatremia) that activates осморефлекс.
- Stimulation of synthesis in neurons of a hypothalamus and allocation in ADG blood.
- Activation of a reabsorption of water in tubules of kidneys.
- Increase in the effective hydrostatic pressure in microvessels of fabrics exponentiating accumulation of transudate in intersticial space. Besides, water transport from microcompasses vessels - an even bed in an interstitium raises degree of a hypovolemia and lymphatic insufficiency.

Treatment of Renal hypostasis:

Treatment of a basic disease is carried out.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Renal hypostasis:

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