
Producer: CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine
Code of automatic telephone exchange: B05CX01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: glucose; 1 ml of solution contains 400 mg of glucose of monohydrate (monohydrate Dextrosums) in terms of anhydrous substance;
excipients: sodium chloride, Acidum hydrochloricum diluted water for injections.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Means of carbohydrate food. Glucose provides substrate replenishment of energy costs, activates exchange processes in an organism. 40% glucose solution as hypertonic salt solution are increased by the osmotic pressure of blood owing to what the movement of liquid from fabrics in blood amplifies; improves anti-toxic function of a liver, increases contractility of a myocardium, increases a diuresis.
Pharmacokinetics. After intravenous administration glucose comes to bodies and fabrics where it is phosphorylated turning into glyukozo-6-phosphate which actively joins in various links of a metabolism of an organism. Reserves of glucose are postponed in cells of fabrics in the form of a glycogen.
Pharmaceutical characteristics.
Main physical and chemical properties: transparent colourless or slightly yellowish liquid.
Glucose is incompatible in solutions with Aminophyllinum, soluble barbiturates, erythromycin, a hydrocortisone, warfarin, Kanamycinum, soluble streptocides, cyanocobalamine.
It is not necessary to enter in one syringe with hexamethylenetetramine since glucose is a strong oxidizer. It is not recommended to mix in one syringe with alkaline solutions: with the general anesthetics and hypnotic drugs since their activity, solutions of alkaloids decreases; inactivates streptomycin, reduces efficiency of nystatin.
Indications to use:
Route of administration and doses:
Intravenously, very slowly, on 20-40-50 ml for introduction. If necessary enter kapelno, with a speed up to 30 thaws a minute (1,5 ml/kg/h), up to 300 ml a day.
The maximum daily dose for adults makes 15 ml/kg and should not exceed 1000 ml.
Features of use:
To carry out monitoring of water and electrolytic balance and level of glucose in blood serum.
At prolonged intravenous use of drug control of level of sugar in blood is necessary. For the best digestion of glucose at normoglikemichny states it is desirable to combine administration of drug with purpose (subcutaneously) of insulin of short action at the rate of 1 PIECE on 4-5 g of glucose (dry matter).
With care apply at heavy heart failure, a fluid lungs, an oliguria, an anury, a hyponatremia; at an acute disorder of cerebral circulation since it can increase damage of structures of a brain and worsen a condition of a disease, except cases of correction of a hypoglycemia.
At a hypopotassemia administration of drug needs to be combined along with correction of deficit of potassium because of danger of strengthening of a hypopotassemia; at hypotonic dehydration – along with introduction of hypertonic saline solutions.
Not to apply solution subcutaneously and intramusculary.
Contents of an ampoule can be used only for one patient, after disturbance of tightness of an ampoule an unused part of contents of an ampoule needs to be thrown out.
Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or other mechanisms.
It was not studied.
Side effects:
Side reactions which can result from administration of solution of glucose of 40%.
– Side reactions in an injection site: pain in an injection site, irritation of veins, phlebitis, venous thrombosis.
– Disturbances from endocrine system and metabolism: hyperglycemia, hypopotassemia, hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesiemia, acidosis.
– Disturbances from digestive tract: polydipsia, nausea.
– General reactions of an organism: hypervolemia, allergic reactions (fervescence, skin rashes, Quincke's disease, shock).
In case of side reactions administration of solution should be stopped, to estimate a condition of the patient and to give help. Solution which remained needs to be kept for carrying out the subsequent analysis.
Interaction with other medicines:
Under the influence of tiazidovy Diuretinums and furosemide tolerance to glucose decreases. Insulin promotes hit of glucose in peripheral fabrics, stimulates formation of a glycogen, protein synthesis and fatty acids. Solution of glucose reduces toxic influence of Pyrazinamidum on a liver. Introduction of large volume of solution of glucose promotes development of a hypopotassemia that increases toxicity of at the same time used foxglove drugs.
It is contraindicated to patients to apply solution of glucose of 40% with:
– intracraneal and intra spinal hemorrhages except for states which are connected with a hypoglycemia;
– heavy dehydration, including a tremens;
– hypersensitivity to glucose and to others compound drug;
– the diabetes mellitus and other states which are followed by a hyperglycemia;
– anury.
Not to administer the drug along with blood preparations.
Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast.
Drug use to pregnant women with a normoglikemiya can lead to a fruit hyperglycemia, cause in it a metabolic acidosis. It is important to consider the last, especially when the distress of a fruit or a hypoxia are already caused by other perinatal factors.
Drug is appointed to children only according to vital indications and under observation of the doctor.
At overdose of drug the hyperglycemia, a glucosuria, increase in osmotic pressure of blood (develops up to development of a hyper glycemic and giperosmolyarny coma), an overhydratation, disturbance of electrolytic balance. In this case drug is cancelled and appoint insulin at the rate of 1 PIECE to each 0,45-0,9 mmol of glucose of blood before achievement of level of glucose of blood of 9 mmol/l. Level of glucose needs to be reduced gradually. Along with purpose of insulin carry out infusion of the balanced saline solutions.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity. 3 years. To store in the place, unavailable to children, in original packaging at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Ampoules on 10 ml and on 20 ml; on 5 or on 10 ampoules in a pack.