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Metabolic acidosis


The metabolic acidosis represents a state at which too many acid products contain in organism liquids.

Symptoms of the Metabolic acidosis:

As a rule, symptoms are caused by a basic disease or a state which led to acidosis. The metabolic acidosis is usually shown by the hurried breathing deafened, the soporous or slowed-down state. The heavy metabolic acidosis can end with shock and lead to death. In some situations the metabolic acidosis can be rather easy, a chronicity.

Reasons of the Metabolic acidosis:

The metabolic acidosis arises in cases when the organism develops too many acid products of exchange or when kidneys not fully bring them out of an organism.  There are several types of a metabolic acidosis:
The diabetic acidosis (which is also called by diabetic ketoacidosis) - develops when as a result of disturbance of exchange at the uncontrollable course of diabetes in an organism the ketonic bodies representing weak organic acids are much formed.
The Giperkhloremichesky acidosis resulting from excessive losses of sodium bicarbonate as can occur, for example, at heavy diarrhea.
Lactoacidosis - accumulation in an organism of lactic acid. It can result:
- Alcohol abuses;
- Malignant tumors;
- Intensive physical exercises for a long time;
- Liver failure;
- Low level of sugar in blood (hypoglycemia);
- Reception of medicines, for example, salicylates;
- Long air hunger at shock, heart failure or because of heavy anemia;
- Convulsive attack.
Other reasons of a metabolic acidosis:
Diseases of kidneys (tubular renal acidosis of a distal and proximal part of tubules).
Poisoning with aspirin, ethylene glycol (contains in antifreezes) or methanol.
Severe dehydration.

Treatment of the Metabolic acidosis:

Treatment is generally directed to a basic disease. Under certain circumstances for improvement of an acid-base condition of blood sodium bicarbonate in the form of infusion solutions or in the form of baking soda inside can be appointed.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Metabolic acidosis:

  • Препарат Сода-буфер небулы.

    Nebula soda buffer

    Alkalis, antiatsidotichesky means and acids.

    LLC Yuriya-Pharm Ukraine

  • Препарат Лактасол.


    Plasma substituting and disintoxication solutions. The solutions influencing water and electrolytic balance

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Димефосфон.


    The means influencing the alimentary system and metabolic processes.

    JSC Tatkhimfarmpreparaty Russia

  • Препарат Рингер.



    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Полиоксифумарин.


    Plasma substituting means.

    LLC Samson-Med Russia

  • Препарат Рингер.


    Regidratiruyushchy means.

    LLC ASFARMA Russia

  • Препарат Трометамол Н.

    Trometamol of N

    Anti-acidemic means.

    Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group (Berlin-Hemi AG/Menarini Group) Germany

  • Препарат Натрия хлорид 0,9%.

    Sodium chloride of 0,9%

    Regidratiruyushchy means

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Хартмана раствор.

    Hartman solution

    Electrolytes balance reducing agent

    JSC Biokhimik Republic of Mordovia

  • Препарат Рингера-ацетат.


    Electrolytes balance reducing agent

    JSC Firm Medpolimer Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья