Glucose of 5% and 10%

Producer: JSC Biokhimik Republic of Mordovia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: B05BA03
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for infusions.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 50 g or 100 g of a dextrose monohydrate (in terms of anhydrous substance).
Excipients: sodium chloride - 0,26 g, acid solution of hydrochloric 0,1 M - to рН 3,0 – 4,1, water for injections.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Participates in various processes of a metabolism in an organism, strengthens oxidation-reduction processes in an organism, improves anti-toxic function of a liver. Injection of solutions of a dextrose partially fills water shortage.
Dextrose, coming to fabrics, it is phosphorylated, turning into glyukozo-6-phosphate which actively joins in many links of a metabolism of an organism. Dextrose solution with concentration of 50 mg/ml has disintoxication, metabolic effect, is a source of valuable digestible nutrient.
At metabolism of a dextrose in fabrics a significant amount of the energy necessary for life activity of an organism is allocated. Hypertonic salt solution with concentration of 100 mg/ml increases the osmotic pressure of blood, improves a metabolism; increases contractility of a myocardium; improves anti-toxic function of a liver, expands vessels, increases a diuresis. Theoretical osmolarity of a dextrose with concentration of 100 mg/ml - 555 ¼Äß¼/l.
Pharmacokinetics. It is acquired completely by an organism, by kidneys it is not removed (emergence in urine is a pathological sign).
Indications to use:
Hypoglycemia, insufficiency of carbohydrate food, toxicoinfection, intoxications at liver diseases (hepatitis, dystrophy and a hepatatrophia, including a liver failure), hemorrhagic diathesis; dehydration (vomiting, diarrhea, postoperative period); intoxication; collapse, shock.
As component of various blood-substituting and antishock liquids; for preparation of HP solutions for intravenous administration.
Route of administration and doses:
Intravenously kapelno, solution with concentration of 50 mg/ml is entered with the maximum speed up to 7 ml (the 150th cap) / mines (400 ml/h); the maximum daily dose for adults - 2 l; solution with concentration of 100 mg/ml - to 60 caps/min. (3 ml/min.); the maximum daily dose for adults - 1 l.
Intravenously struyno - 10-50 ml of solutions with concentration of 50 mg/ml and 100 mg/ml. At adults with a normal metabolism the daily dose of the entered dextrose should not exceed 4-6 g/kg, i.e. about 250-450 g (at decrease in metabolic rate daily a dose reduce up to 200-300 g), at the same time the daily volume of the entered liquid - 30-40 ml/kg.
To children for parenteral food along with fats and amino acids in the first day enter 6 g of Dextrosums/kg/days, in the subsequent - to 15 g/kg/days. When calculating a dose of a dextrose at administration of solutions with concentration of 50 mg/ml and 100 mg/ml of a dextrose it is necessary to take the admissible volume of the entered liquid into account: for children with the body weight of 2 - 10 kg - 100 - 165 ml/kg/days, to children with the body weight of 10-40 kg - 45-100 ml/kg/days.
Rate of administering: at a normality of a metabolism the maximum rate of administering of a dextrose adult – 0,25-0,5 g/kg/h (at decrease in metabolic rate rate of administering is reduced to 0,125 – 0,25 g/kg/h).
At children rate of administering of a dextrose should not exceed 0,5 g/kg/h; what makes for 5% of solution - about 10 ml/min. or 200 caps/min. (the 20th cap = 1 ml).
For fuller assimilation of the dextrose entered in high doses along with it appoint insulin at the rate of 1 PIECE of insulin to 4-5 g of a dextrose. Sick diabetes the dextrose is entered under control of its content in blood and urine.
Features of use:
For fuller and bystry assimilation of a dextrose it is possible to enter subcutaneously 4-5 PIECES of insulin, at the rate of 1 PIECE of insulin on 4-5 g of a dextrose.
Side effects:
Hypervolemia, acute left ventricular failure. In an injection site - development of an infection, thrombophlebitis.
Interaction with other medicines:
At a combination with other medicines it is necessary to control visually compatibility (invisible pharmaceutical or pharmakodinamichesky incompatibility is possible).
Hypersensitivity, hyperglycemia, hyper lactacidemia, overhydratation, postoperative disturbances of utilization of glucose; the circulator disturbances menacing with wet brain and lungs; wet brain, fluid lungs, acute left ventricular failure, giperosmolyarny coma.
With care - the dekompensirovanny chronic heart failure (CHF), the chronic renal failure (CRF) (oligoanuriya), a hyponatremia, a diabetes mellitus
Symptoms: hyperglycemia, glucosuria, hyper glycemic giperosmolyarny coma, overhydratation, disturbance of water and electrolytic balance.
Treatment: to stop administration of glucose, to enter insulin, symptomatic therapy.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature not above 30 °C. In the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 2 years. Upon termination of a period of validity not to apply
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Solution for infusions of 5% and 10%. 200, 400 ml in bottles glass for blood, infusional and transfusion drugs with a capacity of 250, 450 ml respectively, corked by rubber bungs and pressed out by aluminum caps.
28 bottles with a capacity of 250 ml or 15 bottles with a capacity of 450 ml place in boxes from corrugated fibreboard with an investment of application instructions (for hospitals).