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Alzheimer's disease: symptoms and nosotrophy

Причины заболевания
Causes of illness
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Alzheimer's disease is called in honor of the psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer. The doctor put forward the theory in which senile dementia results from disturbance of exchange of a neurotransmitter of acetylcholine which is responsible for momentum transfer. But its theory was not confirmed. Many scientists consider that the main etiology – adjournment of beta amyloid which accumulation leads to formation of the plaques interfering activity of a brain.
Кто входит в группу риска
Who enters into risk group
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The risk group included all people of advanced age of 55-75 years. Thus after 65 years each five years the probability to ache with Alzheimer increases approximately twice. Statistically, women are more inclined to senile dementia, especially after 85 years. The risk of incidence at the people occupied in metallurgical (that is connected with negative impact of aluminum on an organism) and chemical industry is increased.
Первый этап болезни - предеменция
The first stage of a disease - a predemention
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At this stage of a disease symptoms can be confused with displays of a stress when the person, carrying out the daily duties, thinks of foreign things easily. Thereof he makes mistakes and does not give himself in it the report. At this stage absent-mindedness of attention, forgetfulness, apathy to people around are characteristic.
Второй этап болезни - ранняя деменция
The second stage of a disease - early dementia
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At this stage it is possible to observe frustration of a short-term memory. The person cannot remember what he did yesterday or a few hours ago, but very in detail and picturesquely tells about events of the early childhood and youth. Explicit are disturbances of movements (apraxia), speeches and letters.
Третий этап - умеренная деменция
The third stage - moderate dementia
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Disturbance of skills of reading and the letter is characteristic of this stage. The person is not able to think logically any more, cannot independently perform usual operations. Spontaneous aggression, vagrancy, resistance, an incontience of urine and inability to control the actions are characteristic crying without the reason.
Четвертый этап - тяжелая деменция
The fourth stage - heavy dementia
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At a late stage of Alzheimer's disease of people completely we depend on strangers, he is not capable to answer distinctly and correctly the questions posed, to show adequate emotions. Muscular exhaustion and physical weakness, sharp decrease in immunity therefore practically any disease constitutes danger of death are characteristic.
Диагностика болезни Альцгеймера
Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
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Physicians say that preferential it is possible to diagnose a disease only for the 8th year of course of an illness. Diagnosis is carried out owing to complaints of the patient, intellectual memory is checked, do a computer tomography or magnetic and resonant therapy thanks to which it is possible to see sites of damage of a brain. Late diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease significantly reduces chances of long and happy life.
Особенности ухода за пациентом
Features of care of the patient
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Today Alzheimer's disease is one of the main riddles of medicine and an incurable disease. The medicine for the present did not think up the medicine capable to stop process of rapid loss of memory and withering of all organism. But timely therapy and a nosotrophy allow to slow down significantly this process and to prolong the qualitative standard of living of the patient.
Интеллектуальная активность
Intellectual activity
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At an initial stage of a disease which quite often matches retirement, it is necessary to suggest the patient to read books, to solve crossword puzzles, to play various board games, to occupy it with some interesting hobby. All these occupations well I train a brain, activate thought process and inspire. And by science it is proved that people, creative and in love with the occupation, live longer.
Режим дня
Day regimen
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For good health and maintenance of the state of health it is necessary to watch that the patient ate food and drugs in time, went to a toilet, moderately worked and had a rest. In a word, a certain daily routine is necessary for the patient and, considering a memory wastage, relatives have to monitor this schedule.
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The person suffering from Alzheimer's disease is required to remind constantly of performance of the vital functions and objectives – about meal and drugs, measurement of arterial pressure, clothes, etc.
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Considering limitation of functions of an organism at Alzheimer's disease, it is necessary to pay attention to feeding habits of the patient. Surely include in the patient's diet products for brain activity: vegetables and fruit, fish, nuts, berries. It is useful at such disease the folic acid and products supporting her. Food should be crushed that the patient could without effort and whims to chew it.
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To slow down process of loss of memory and to improve its state a little, and also will help to calm the patient and to adjust it on a positive harmony various phytodrugs for treatment of a nervous system: "Антистресс", "Sedans", etc.
Благоприятная атмосфера и общение
Favorable atmosphere and communication
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It is impossible to show to the patient at all that care of it – it the burden is heavy for relatives and relatives that it is helpless and sick. Any hint or the complaint will upset the patient and will aggravate his state. Also you should not argue with the patient, to abuse him as the patient in the period of a disease is very vulnerable and sensitive. It is important to support him in all ways, to create the cozy atmosphere in the house, to show sincere interest in thoughts.
Безопасность в доме
Safety in the house
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At a late stage of a disease the patient is not able to control own actions. Cases when the patient leaves in the unknown direction are frequent or does itself harm. In order to avoid these situations it is necessary to put locks on doors and even to put lattices on windows as the disease can cause visual hallucinations. In a visible place there should not be potentially dangerous electric devices and other devices.



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