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Advantage of occupations yoga

Путь к внутренней гармонии
Way to internal harmony
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Such direction in the Indian culture as yoga, arose in an extreme antiquity and contains not one millennium. But what is surprising, this ancient and wise technique found recognition and in the modern world. It is possible to solve with its help quite successfully problems of today, one of which – finding of composure and harmony with the world around. Occupations yoga pacify an emotional condition of the person.
Путь к физическому совершенствованию
Way to physical improvement
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Except improvement of emotional and psychological state of the person, the yogi promotes strengthening of physical health. At the same time it is unimportant where and as there take place occupations: in group or individually, in special facility or in house conditions. The main thing that from occupations yoga of people derived pleasure and was influenced by positive impact of a technique. Regular performance of exercises will bring to an organism big benefit.
Увеличивается гибкость тела
Flexibility of a body increases
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Some asanas yogis demand good flexibility of a body therefore beginners should work to get the corresponding extension. It will be hard only right at the beginning. Already after a while systematic occupations of effort will be crowned with success, to the great delight engaged, and it will become obvious that the discomfort of the first days does not come within miles of the acquired flexibility of a body.
Организм наполняется энергией
The organism is filled with energy
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All practicing yoga note the energy inflow occurring after classes. During execution of a complex of asanas the body of the person relaxes completely that allows to remove all available power blocks, ease in a body and internal feeling of tranquility appears. It is unsurprising that in such state there is a wish not just to do something, but also to try to obtain success!
Происходит массаж внутренних органов
There is a massage of internals
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During execution of exercises of yoga different groups of muscles are involved. They alternately strain and relax, massing, thus, internals. Such massage well affects work of all organism, allowing it to function normally, and also promotes preservation of a healthy condition of each of bodies.
Повышается мышечный тонус
The muscle tone raises
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Occupations yoga promote increase in a muscle tone. Some can object, having noted that the tone of muscles raises also from ordinary fitness. But unlike occupation fitness yoga do not mean an active exercise stress, and therefore can suit people to whom such loading is contraindicated.
Повышается выносливость и сила воли
Endurance and will power increases
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When performing practically of each asana of a muscle and joints are exposed to stretching. It gives an inconvenience only at the beginning of the occupations. Over time both force, and the endurance allowing to remain even in very inconvenient poses the necessary amount of time comes. Duration of stay in each pose is of great importance – the result of occupations yoga depends on it.
Исчезают проблемы с позвоночником
Problems with a backbone disappear
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The people leading a slow-moving life and occupied at sedentary work by the end of day note tension and fatigue of muscles of a back. Regular trainings by yoga help to fix this problem. That who has more serious diseases of a backbone experienced the instructor will help to pick up the special complex of asanas directed to the solution of specific objectives and aimed at the general improvement of a back.
Уходит лишний вес
Excess weight leaves
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Though occupations yoga do not mean big activity, they demand considerable expenses of energy. Some poses in yoga force to work muscles about which existence you would not learn, being engaged any of sports. Also during the occupations in an organism the piperidic acid which is responsible for weight reduction is produced.
Йога учит правильно дышать
The yoga learns to breathe correctly
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The people practicing yoga learn to concentrate on breath. In usual life we do not monitor this important process, but this east practice learns to breathe consciously. When the person breathes consciously, his breath becomes deeper and equal, lungs are better filled with oxygen what each section of an organism profits from.
Растет уровень интеллекта
I.Q. grows
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This statement could be apprehended as advertizing of a technique if not the proofs provided by the American scientists from Illinois university. Researches showed that after performance of a number of the asanas including work with breath and meditation, people coped about the solution of complex mathematical challenges much quicker.
Уходит депрессия
The depression leaves
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Such concept as a depression is not familiar to those who practices yoga. The deep analysis of itself, internal harmony and harmony with the world around allow the person to feel satisfaction with the life. And improvements occur already from the first occupation therefore the people having a depression are recommended to address this east practice. The special attention is deserved in this respect Raj by yoga, or "imperial yoga".
Училивается сопротивляемость стрессам
Resilience to stresses Uchilivatsya
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Occupations yoga promote strengthening and bodies, and spirit. It cannot but affect immunity – ability of an organism to resist various viruses considerably increases. Also at the person practicing yoga higher emotional stability in stressful situations is noted. Already one it is a good reason to begin to practice yoga.


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Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.