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All truth about cellulitis

Целлюлит опасен?
Cellulitis is dangerous?
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Having heard as strongly women are afraid of cellulitis, the uninitiated person can think that it is one of the most horrible diseases what can only happen in life. But cellulitis – not a disease, but a problem of esthetic character which looks as the roughness of skin called in the people by "orange-peel". Most often the woman becomes "apelsinka" in hips and buttocks, is more rare in a zone of a breast, hands, a stomach.
Почему он появляется?
Why it appears?
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Under skin at the person the layer of fatty deposits which is penetrated by fibers of the connecting fabric tying muscles and skin is located. In a female body these fibers are located vertically, and in junctions with skin form small deepening (dimple). Respectively, where they are absent, there is a hillock. With growth of fat under skin also the quantity of hillocks grows, and, so cellulitis becomes more expressed.
Кто в группе риска?
Who in risk group?
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Each woman can become the owner of cellulitis. However at some predisposition to it is higher, than at others that is explained by genetic features. Also women during pregnancy as at this time the organism actively accumulates a fat reserve get into risk group, and in it there are hormonal changes. One more factor which nobody manages to avoid is the age.
Провоцирующие факторы
Provocative factors
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If you do not argue with genetics and age, then it is possible to fight against other factors provoking emergence of cellulitis. For example, you should not experiment with diets, being fond of modern techniques of food, to lead a slow-moving life, and also it is impossible to break the drinking mode, provoking either dehydration, or a liquid surplus in an organism. Depends on all this, how expressed will be cellulitis.
Целлюлит зависит от веса?
Cellulitis depends on weight?
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There is an opinion that cellulitis happens only at people to excess weight. Whether so it? Not so! Emergence of cellulitis depends on features of a structure of a fatty tissue which all have absolutely, and it is quite often possible to observe that even the thin woman is not deprived of symptoms of cellulitis. Especially noticeable this problem becomes at owners of thin skin.
Загар и целлюлит
Suntan and cellulitis
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Whether it is possible to hide cellulitis by means of suntan? Some women believe what is possible. Of course, on suntanned skin cellulitis becomes less noticeable. However it does not disappear completely and when suntan descends, is shown again, and is frequent even in a bigger form. There is it because ultraviolet dries up skin, doing it thin and therefore all roughnesses and hillocks of so-called "orange-peel" become even more noticeable.
Нет жира - нет целлюлита?
There is no fat - there is no cellulitis?
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Some believe that time hypodermic fatty deposits are the reason of cellulitis, it is necessary just to remove them. But after big loss of weight skin will lose elasticity and elasticity, will become thinner, and cellulitis will be shown even stronger. Will not prevent to lose excess weight, of course, but for obtaining good result it is necessary to use a number of measures which means also complex care behind skin.


Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.