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The pinealoma (pinealoma, pimealoma, pinus adenoma) - is more often the benign tumor of a brain proceeding from a parenchyma of a pinus (epiphysis).


The tumor represents a dense node of gray-red color. The most characteristic of an astrocytoma is slow, infiltrative growth. Often the malignant form - a pinealoma meets.

It is localized in pineal area (back departments of the III ventricle, area of the chetverokholmny tank). Development of a pinealoma can be connected with distribution of pinealotsit, astrocytes or genotsit.

distribution of pinealotsit, astrocytes or genotsit.

Distinguish the following types of pinealomas
Pimealoma of the II degree. Grow slowly, arise at adults at the age of 25–35 years more often.
Pinealoma of the IV degree. The malignant tumor, meets seldom, generally arise at children.
Tumor of a parenchyma of strobiloid gland of an intermediate differentiation of the III degree. Almost not a predictable current. Makes about 10% of all OPShZh, it is usually diagnosed for adults.

Pinealoma symptoms:

Meets at children's age more often, it is preferential at boys.

Symptoms of a tumor are various, they depend on age and the place of its arrangement. The most frequent symptoms of this disease are:
nausea and vomiting;
loss of balance and the complicated walking;
disturbance of the letter, bradyarthria;
weakness, drowsiness;
decrease or increase in weight.


The pinealoma is diagnosed and deleted only in the surgical way. For detection of a tumor do the computer tomography (CT) and the magnetic and resonant tomography (MRT). At suspicion of a tumor carry surely out a biopsy. For this purpose open a skull, then delete a sample of tissue of brain which is studied under a microscope on existence of cancer cells and if they are found, then is removed as it is possible the most part of a tumor.



Treatment of a pinealoma:

Basis of treatment of astrocytomas is surgical intervention - an oncotomy. After operation carry out radiotheraphy, in case of development of hydrocephaly do ventrikulo-peritoneal shunting.

Forecast. At complex treatment 3-year survival is equal to 78%, 5-year-old - 58%.

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