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Tenonit – an inflammation of the tenonovy capsule of an eye. Distinguish inflammatory process of allergic and metastatic character.

Reasons of a tenonit:

Flu, quinsy, focal infections, furunculosis, injury, rheumatism, disbolism.

Symptoms of a tenonit:

The disease proceeds more often in an acute form. It is characterized by pressure sense in an eye-socket, morbidity, especially at the movements of an eyeglobe. Process reaches full development within 2-3 days. By this time the small exophthalmos, insignificant restrictions of mobility of an eye, sometimes a diplopia join the described phenomena and (that is very important for diagnosis) some swelled a century and a mucous membrane of an eyeglobe.

The discharge from a conjunctival cavity is absent. The general condition of the patient unlike that at eye-socket phlegmon, as a rule, does not suffer.

The essence of a disease consists in accumulation in a vagina of serous, is more rare than purulent exudate, than and the listed symptoms speak. Serous tenonit quickly is exposed to involution. At purulent process exudate often breaks in a conjunctival cavity.


Tenonit it is necessary to differentiate from phlegmon of an eye-socket at which heavier current, the expressed exophthalmos, changes of orbital veins, and from inflammatory process in bone walls of an eye-socket at which eyeglobe shift in this or that direction is observed are noted.

Treatment of a tenonit:

At a serous tenonit local thermal procedures give good effect: UVCh-therapy, radiation by a quartz lamp, diathermy, paraffin, hot-water bottle. Subconjunctival and retrobulbar injections of corticosteroids, antibiotics, osmotherapy, salicylates are shown. The main method of treatment of a purulent tenonit – opening and drainage of episkleralny (tenonov) space, intramuscular introduction of antibiotics, afterwards – topical physiotherapeutic treatment.

Except the described diseases, in an eye-socket there can be inflammatory processes caused by mushrooms and parasites, various inflammatory granulomas and also allergic manifestations (a Quincke's disease of Quincke), but they meet less often and are diagnosed more difficultly.

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