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Scoliosis is a backbone disease. This disease is characterized by mobility of vertebrae therefore the curvature in upper or a lower back is created.

Skalioz's reasons:

There is a set of theories and hypotheses of development of scoliosis. However there are no reliable data about the reasons of why one child from a curve needs permanent care, surgical treatment, and another at achievement of a maturity and does not need medical intervention. Scoliosis has genetic predisposition. This disease is result of an expression of a set of genes, but is is characterized by incomplete penetrance that means that in each generation there are distinctions in that, genes, that is as scoliosis is heavier shown are how strongly expressed. Scoliosis tends to pass from father to son, however in each generation its expressiveness various: mother with an easy form of scoliosis can have a daughter with very severe form of a disease. At children scoliosis as a result of an injury of a spinal cord can develop. One of the reasons of scoliosis are degenerative neurologic states. Injuries can be other source. Often scoliosis develop at young people who or postadat in road accident, or had other injuries. As the result of an injury, is observed loss of a normal muscle tone in back muscles, then the deformations of a rachis leading to scoliosis develop. At some patients scoliosis is result of a viral infection. Before one of the most common neurologic causes of scoliosis there was poliomyelitis. Of course, in 30th, 40th and 50th when there was great epidemic of poliomyelitis, very often it was possible to see the children sick with scoliosis. Now these patients ask for medical assistance because of development of scoliosis. However the vast majority of cases of scoliosis fall under category of idiopathic. It means that its reason is not established. At the moment there is no uniform theory of developing of this disease. However cases when injuries of a spinal cord or craniocereberal injuries, a cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis and other neurologic diseases become the reason are quite often diagnosed.

Skalioz's symptoms:

It is considered that scoliosis is a children's disease. And really, most often, scoliosis is diagnosed for teenagers at the age of 9, 10, 11, 12 years. However scoliosis is diagnosed also for adults if it begins as a result of a disk degeneration. Incidence of scoliosis at men and women is approximately identical. Was considered earlier that as the patient will reach an age of majority, a rachiocampsis become static and does not progress. It is urgent for most of patients. However, there is a subgroup of persons at whom the curvature continues to progress at mature age. The forecast for most of children who ask for medical assistance, as a rule, very good. Most of children who have scoliosis perhaps, does not need difficult medical procedures, but they have to be estimated. With adults the situation can be more problematic. Young women with very expressed curvature who suffer from dorsodynias are often observed. Statistically the probability of progressing of a disease at such patients makes for 80-90%, and the patients who are not implementing medical recommendations can quite have problems in further life. Often women who had earlier the diagnosis of scoliosis which current at mature age gained static character see a doctor. After pregnancy they are disturbed by dorsodynias. It is connected with effect of progesterone on an organism. Under its influence a linking of a rachis becomes sluggish, the curvature progresses and the dorsodynia appears.

Рентгенограмма позвоночника при сколиозе

The roentgenogram of a backbone at scoliosis

Костные деформации при сколиозе

Bone deformations at scoliosis

Skalioz's treatment:

Operation for scoliosis are difficult surgical intervention. It borrows children from two to three hours. At adults it lasts a little more time, approximately from four to six hours. Adults can have an operation within one intervention, but in other cases it is the best of all to divide process into two procedures. After routine operation of patients admit to intensive care unit where sisterly leaving is provided. Next day after operation some patients can independently sit in a chair. For the third day they will stand and go. After operation some patients need "briquettes". Modern briquettes from thermoplastic so they easily are put on and act the patient independently. The patient should not sleep and bathe in them. It is necessary to carry them within about three months. In three months after operation many people recover control over own life. Many people are returned to work approximately in five weeks after operation.

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