DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Gastroenterology Gipoatsidny gastritis

Gipoatsidny gastritis

Symptoms of Gipoatsidny gastritis:

loss of appetite, unpleasant taste in a mouth, nausea, an eructation, locks or a liquid chair. At the long period of a disease at the patient weight reduction can be observed. Often there is vomiting right after meal.
The patient, as a rule, complains of lack of appetite and nausea. There are no accurately expressed pains. Generally it is unpleasant feelings of completeness or swelling in an anticardium right after reception of food. Often there is an eructation with an unpleasant smell. From intestines tendency to a liquid chair is observed, from the slightest error in a diet food toxicoses easily develop. At absence in a stomach of hydrochloric acid digestion process is broken, vitamins, proteins and iron are badly soaked up. As a result weight loss and such trophic disorders of skin as dryness and fragility of nails develops. Such patients have the dim language which is laid over by a grayish plaque. Skin color turns pale, and body weight decreases. However, considerable and progressive weight reduction is not observed.
It is necessary to consider that gipoatsidny gastritis symptoms provoke a precancerous disease. Therefore the climax provoditlecheniye at women is very important. Lack of hydrochloric acid in a stomach provokes reorganization of a mucous membrane and tendency to emergence of atypical cells. Not seldom on a mucous membrane there are tumors.

Reasons of Gipoatsidny gastritis:

Bystry meal, its insufficient chewing, derivation of attention in the course of food are reading, a talk and other occupations the main reasons for developing of gipoatsidny gastritis.

Treatment of Gipoatsidny gastritis:

At gipoatsidny gastritis (gastritis with the lowered acidity, atrophic gastritis) an important point of a diet is stimulation of gastric secretion. Meals have to be carried out in certain hours (the strict schedule of meal normalizes process of allocation of a gastric juice). Food has to cause feeling of appetite, its reception has to happen in a quiet situation, without haste. The careful chewing of food is important: on the one hand the crushed food will not injure mucous a stomach, on the other hand, while we chew, a large number of a gastric juice and the saliva promoting the best digestion of food is developed.

At gipoatsidny gastritis it is necessary to exclude:

Products fried on oil, baked dishes
Salty, hot dishes
Mushrooms, rough sinewy meat
Cabbage, grapes and grape juice

What can be eaten at gipoatsidny gastritis:

Meat: rabbit flesh, chicken meat in the form of boiled meat, low-fat cutlets, quenelles; beef-infusion broths, fish soup;
Fish fillet from low-fat grades of fish;
Vegetable purees, grated vegetable potatoes, beet, carrots, vegetable marrows, spinach salads;
Sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, milk, cheese;
Fruit juice (except grape), compotes, broths of a dogrose, blackcurrant;
Mineral water in 20-30 minutes prior to acceptance of food
Meal is carried out at least 5 times a day. Clinical nutrition is observed by 2-3 more months after an aggravation. The patient has to be in a quiet situation, with conditions for good rest and a dream. Reception of vitamin and mineral drugs is recommended.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Gipoatsidny gastritis:

  • Препарат Ацидин-пепсин.


    Digestion stimulator.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Никотиновая кислота таб. № 50.

    Niacin таб. No.

    The means influencing cardiovascular system.

    CJSC Lekhim-Kharkiv Ukraine

  • Препарат Абомин®.


    Digestive fermental means.

    JSC Moskhimfarmpreparaty of N. A. Semashko" Russia

  • Препарат Панкреатин.


    Digestive fermental means.

    JSC Irbit Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant Russia

  • Препарат Полыни настойка.

    Wormwood tincture

    The cholagogue and increasing appetite means.

    CJSC Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory Russia

  • Препарат Плантаглюцид-Здоровье, гран.2г(1000 мг), пакеты спарен. №25.

    Plantaglyutsid-Zdorovye, gran.2g (1000 mg), packages it is coupled. No. 2

    The means influencing the alimentary system and metabolic processes.

    LLC Pharmaceutical Company Zdorovye Ukraine

  • Препарат Кислота никотиновая - Дарница, р-р д/и 1% по1 мл №10.

    Niacin - Darnitsa, solution for and 1% po1 No. ml

    The means influencing cardiovascular system.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Препарат Золототысячника трава.

    Centaury grass

    The means regulating the GIT motor function.

    Federal state unitary enterprise NPO Mikrogen Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья