DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Gastroenterology Chronic coloenteritis

Chronic coloenteritis


Chronic coloenteritis - the chronic inflammatory and dystrophic disease of thin and thick guts leading to changes of a stricture of a mucous membrane and disturbance motive, secretory, vsasyvatelny and other functions of intestines.

Symptoms of the Chronic coloenteritis:

Manifestations of a chronic coloenteritis are very diverse and connected with a disease phase, a condition of immune and nervous systems of an organism, expressiveness of dysbacteriosis. Let's consider the most characteristic symptoms of this disease. Most often patients complain of disorder of function of bowel emptying that is shown in the form of a diarrhea or a lock, alternation of ponos and locks.

The diarrhea (diarrhea) as it was noted earlier, is characterized by frequent bowel emptying and allocation of not properly executed fecal masses. Most often strengthening of a vermicular movement of intestines is the reason of a diarrhea owing to what in a large intestine water does not manage to be soaked up. More rare reason - secondary fluidifying of fecal masses because of the increased intestinal secretion which results from a long delay of fecal masses in a large intestine.

In case of preferential defeat of a small bowel (enteritis) the chair happens 3-4 times a day, plentiful, defecation painless; desires to defecation arise 20-30 minutes later after meal and are followed by strong rumbling and transfusion in a stomach.
If the large intestine (colitis) is affected, the chair can become frequent to 10 and more times a day, and the number of fecal masses decreases. Sometimes fecal masses is densely mixed with slime.

Lock - insufficient or rare (1 time in 3 days or is more rare) bowel emptying (it was told about the reasons of its emergence earlier).

Other manifestation of a chronic coloenteritis - an abdominal pain. At the prevailing defeat of a small bowel of pain most often are felt near a navel, have stupid, arching character, appear in 3-4 hours after meal, are followed by swelling, transfusion in a stomach, calm down after warming of a stomach.

At preferential damage of a large intestine of pain are felt in the bottom of a stomach or its side departments (is more often at the left), have skhvatkoobrazny character, often amplify after consumption of the easily wandering carbohydrates (black bread, cabbage, milk) and abate after bowel emptying or a passage of flatus.

At patients with a chronic coloenteritis abdominal distention (meteorism) owing to the increased gas generation is often observed.

Also the syndrome of intestinal dyspepsia at which disturbance of processes of digestion in intestines is noted is characteristic. Depending on manifestations and intolerance of these or those products allocate fermentative, putrefactive and mixed (combining features of two previous) intestinal dyspepsia.

At a long current of a chronic coloenteritis there is an asthenoneurotic syndrome. Patients note the expressed weakness, the increased physical and intellectual fatigue. Gradually there is a narrowing of a focus of interest, patients "retire into oneself": in the center of their attention only personal feelings - work of intestines, a diet, treatment and so forth, they can tell for hours about the problems, their vital activity significantly decreases.

Reasons of the Chronic coloenteritis:

Depending on the reasons leading to developing of chronic colitis the last are subdivided into the following groups:

- infectious: specific (as a result of influence of causative agents of intestinal infections - shigellas, salmonellas, causative agents of dysentery) and not specific (or postinfectious), arising after earlier postponed dysentery or a salmonellosis;

- parasitic (amoebic, mecotic, giardiac, etc.);

- toxic (intoxication medicines and other chemicals);

- alimentary (as a result of long disturbance of a diet, uniform and irrational food);

- a mechanical origin (as a result of long locks);

- "secondary" coloenterites - arise as a result of various diseases of digestive tract.

Most often infectious, alimentary and "secondary" chronic coloenterites meet.

Treatment of the Chronic coloenteritis:

Treatment of a chronic coloenteritis is begun with elimination of factors which can be a cause of illness. In this regard it is recommended:
1) normalization of a diet, its quality, ratio of various food ingredients;
2) termination of abuses of medicines (especially purgatives and antibiotics);
3) adequate therapy of intestinal infections and parasitic diseases;
4) treatment of chronic diseases of digestive tract (chronic cholecystitis, gastritis, dyskinesia of bilious ways, chronic pancreatitis, etc.).
After elimination of the reasons causing a disease also the elimination of intestinal dyspepsia including starts actions for fight against dysbacteriosis:
1) observance of the diet considering type of intestinal dyspepsia, motility of intestines, the prevailing damage of a small or large intestine.
For reduction of fermentative processes in intestines it is shown:
- restriction of the carbohydrates especially rich with sugary substances;
- a milk exception in an integral look, black bread and cabbage.
Reduction of putrefactive processes is reached:
- restriction of proteins hard to digest (fried meat) and rough cellulose;
- reception of fermented milk products.
At insufficient bowel emptying the diet containing the products stimulating a peristaltics (beet, carrots, plums, rye bread, fresh curdled milk) is recommended.
At the prevailing defeat of a small bowel it is shown:
- a diet with the increased protein content and vitamins;
- products, calcigerous (cottage cheese, not strong cheese);
- to exclude products, chemically and mechanically irritating intestines.
2) antibacterial drugs (furasolidone on 0,1 g 4 times a day within 5-10 days before elimination of symptoms of an aggravation; Enteroseptolum on 0,5 g 3 times a day within 10-12 days or Intestopanum on 1-2 tablets of 4-6 times a day within 7-10 days);
3) fermental drugs for improvement of processes of digestion: festal (панзинорм), dtestat 1 - 2 dragee 3 times a day during food within 1-3 weeks;
4) for normalization of flora of intestines: лактобактерин, bifidumbacterium (on 5 doses on reception 1-2 times a day within 20-30 days);
6) for elimination of motive frustration:
- cerucal, papaverine, Platyphyllinum inside;
- knitting (Dermatolum, calcium carbonate, white clay) or aperient means (vegetable a sla bitelny) depending on dominance of a diarrhea or a lock;
physiotherapy (a papaverine electrophoresis on area of a stomach, application of paraffin, ozokerite).
In treatment of a chronic coloenteritis apply also means of local influence:
a) medical microclysters:
- at ponosa - infusions of herbs of a St. John's Wort, bark of an oak, bird cherry fruits;
- at a meteorism - infusion and broth of a camomile;
- antiseptic anti-inflammatory drugs (Furacilin solution, slaborozovy solution of potassium permanganate);
b) candles with belladonna extract, anaesthesin.
Improvement of a psychological state is reached by means of psychotherapy, sedative and tranquilizing means, an autogenic training.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Chronic coloenteritis:

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