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Intestinal infections


intestinal infections (OKA) – polyetiological group of the infectious diseases which are followed by disturbance of motility of digestive tract with development of diarrhea, intoxication, and in some cases - dehydration.

Symptoms of Intestinal infections:

Treat the main intestinal infections:

    * dysentery
    * salmonellosis
    * food poisoning of a staphylococcal etiology
    * cholera
    * an enteroviral and rotavirusny infection at children.

The asymptomatic period proceeds in most cases from 6 to 48 hours. Symptoms of a disease cause both microbes, and the toxins emitted by them. Intestinal infections can proceed in a look:

    * acute gastritis (with vomiting and abdominal pains)
    * enteritis (with a diarrhea)
    * a gastroenteritis (with vomiting and a diarrhea)
    * colitis (with blood in a chair)
    * a coloenteritis (with damage of all intestines).
At the very beginning of a disease of people can feel weakness, slackness, a loss of appetite, a headache, temperature increase — the symptoms reminding usual ORZ. However after a while there is nausea and vomiting, colicy pains in a stomach, a diarrhea with impurity of slime, pus or blood appear. As some acute intestinal infections are followed by frequent and plentiful vomiting, sometimes in combination with a diarrhea, the person can lose a large amount of water therefore thirst and a fever can disturb.

  The following symptoms are characteristic of infections of intestinal group:

    * the increased temperature
    * nausea, vomiting
    * abdominal pain
    * diarrhea
    * excess gas generation in intestines (meteorism).

Reasons of Intestinal infections:

Infection happens at hit of a contagium in an organism to food or water.
Bacteria, toxins of bacteria or viruses can lead to development of intestinal infections.
Pathogenic microorganisms, being allocated from the sick person, get to external environment where they not only do not perish, but also keep productive capacity, and they breed most actively in warm and wet conditions, that is why the products which are stored out of refrigerators become the ideal place.

The favorable environment for development of bacteria are fermented milk and meat products. Connection of separate forms of acute intestinal infections with types of food is established. So, dysentery arises at the use of milk and dairy products, the intestinal infections caused by staphylococcus more often — at the use of dairy products and confectionery with cream, iyersinioza usually develop at the use of crude vegetables, salads and other vegetable food.

With food dangerous microbes get into a stomach, and then into intestines where begin to breed strenuously.

Treatment of Intestinal infections:

If infection occurred, then for bystry recovery it is necessary to remember the following: in most cases treatment of intestinal infections does not depend on an infestant. As a rule, it begins even before obtaining results of analyses.

Treatment of intestinal infections is directed on:

— fight against the activator (antibacterial therapy);

— fight against dehydration (the volume of the entered liquid at intestinal infections depends on dehydration degree; as a rule, for elimination of a lack of liquid to patients at intestinal infections appoint saline solutions);

— elimination of diarrhea (enterosorbents are used);

— observance of a sparing diet (fresh vegetables and fruit, dairy products, sweet are excluded).

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Intestinal infections:

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