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Methyluracil No. 5 suppositories 0,5

Препарат Метилурацил суппозитории 0,5 №5. ЗАО "Лекхим-Харьков" Украина

Producer: CJSC Lekhim-Kharkiv Ukraine

Code of automatic telephone exchange: A16A X10

Release form: Firm dosage forms. Suppositories rectal.

Indications to use: Proctitis. Colitis. Pancreatitis.

General characteristics. Structure:

International and chemical names: methyluracil; 2,4-диоксо-6-метил-1,2,3,4-тетрагидропиримидин; Main physical and chemical properties: suppositories of white color, cigar-shaped form. Structure: 1 suppository contains methyluracil 0,5 g; excipients: PEO-400, PEO-1500.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. Methyluracil, stimulating synthesis of the pirimidinovy bases in cells, accelerates processes of cellular regeneration, raises cellular and humoral factors of a host defense. Drug stimulates a leukopoiesis, possesses anabolic and anticatabolic action, shows reparative, antiinflammatory and photoprotective effects.

Indications to use:

Treatment of inflammatory and ulcer processes of lower parts of a large intestine (proctites, proctosigmoiditis, colitis); in the period of reconvalescence for treatment of patients with hepatitis, acute and chronic pancreatitis.

Route of administration and doses:

Rektalno. Before introduction suppository needs to be moistened with water. The adult on 1 – 4 suppository a day. To children aged from 3 up to 8 years appoint 1/2 suppositories a day, at the age of 8 – 15 years – on 1 suppository a day. The course of treatment lasts, as a rule, 30 – 40 days. In some cases the course of treatment can be reduced up to 2 – 4 weeks.

Features of use:

There are no restrictions at use during pregnancy and a lactation.

Side effects:

Methyluracil, as a rule, is well transferred, but occasionally perhaps short feeling of easy burning at administration of suppository.

Interaction with other medicines:

Methyluracil exponentiates effect of strophanthin, increases efficiency of action of antibiotics and sulfanamide drugs.


Methyluracil is contraindicated at acute and chronic leukemic (especially myeloid) forms of a leukosis, a lymphogranulomatosis, malignant diseases of marrow.


It is not revealed.

Storage conditions:

To store in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature from +8 °C to + 15 °C. A period of validity – 3 years.

Issue conditions:

Without recipe


On 5 suppositories in a blister strip packaging, on 1 or 2 blister strip packagings in a pack cardboard.

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