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Argentina hemorrhagic fever


The Argentina hemorrhagic fever - the acute viral disease relating to a zoonosis from a natural ochagovostyo. It is characterized by fever, a dieback, different expressiveness a trombogemorragichesky syndrome.

Reasons of the Argentina hemorrhagic fever:

The causative agent of the Argentina hemorrhagic fever - the Junin virus (according to the name of the city where the first cases of a disease are registered) belongs to arenavirusa to which causative agents of fever of Lass and the Bolivian hemorrhagic fever belong. A virus патогенен for newborn white mice and hamsters. Cultivate on chicken embryos and in culture of the intertwined cells.

Tank and source of an infection are rodents of Calomis laucha, Calomis musculinus. Viruses were allocated also from gamazovy mites. Incidence is characterized by seasonality - from February to June, the peak of incidence in May. Villagers get sick preferential. Infection occurs in the air and dust way, inhaling the dust infected with rodents. Infection can come also through the food stuffs infected with urine of rodents. Epidemic flashes were observed annually, the number of the diseased hesitated from 100 to 3500 people.


Many questions of a pathogeny are studied insufficiently. Infection atriums are mucous membranes of respiratory bodies and a digestive tract, infection through skin microtraumas is possible. On site infection atriums of primary affect are not observed. Dissimination of a virus and defeat of a number of bodies and systems is characteristic. The large role in a pathogeny is played by development of a trombogemorragichesky syndrome.

Symptoms of the Argentina hemorrhagic fever:

The incubation interval proceeds from 7 to 16 days. The disease begins gradually. Body temperature, sometimes with a fever increases, weakness, a headache, muscle pains, nausea, vomiting, anorexia appears. Fever accrues and reaches 39-40 °C. At survey the hyperemia of the person, neck, an injection of vessels of scleras comes to light. There can be a small hyperadenosis. For the 3-5th day of a disease the condition of the patient worsens, there are symptoms of dehydration (the ABP falls to 50-100 mm of mercury.), the oliguria accrues. At more severe forms the expressed manifestations of a trombogemorragichesky syndrome develop: hematemesis, melena, bleeding of gums, nasal bleedings, hamaturia. Changes of a nervous system - excitement, a delirious state, a stupor are possible. For the 7-10th day there can come shock, gastrointestinal bleeding. In lethal cases usually lung hypostasis is a cause of death.


Consider epidemiological data (stay in the endemic area, incidence, etc.) and characteristic clinical symptomatology. Work on specific interpretation of the diagnosis can be carried out only in the laboratories which are specially equipped for work with especially dangerous viruses. It is necessary to consider that antibodies appear not earlier than 10-20 in the afternoon from an onset of the illness. It is necessary to differentiate from other hemorrhagic fevers.

Treatment of the Argentina hemorrhagic fever:

It is shown that administration of immune plasm significantly reduces a lethality (from 16 to 1%) in an experiment on monkeys efficiency of a ribavirin (virazol) is shown. Carry out pathogenetic therapy (a regidratation, a hemodialysis, etc.).

Forecast:  Mortality usually makes from 3 to 15%.

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