DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Medicines Means for treatment of a round ulcer and a gastroesophageal reflux disease. Гастромакс


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Producer: Mili Healthcare Ltd (Mili Helskere Ltd) Great Britain

Code of automatic telephone exchange: A02BA03

Release form: Firm dosage forms. Chewable tablets.

Indications to use: Heartburn. Meteorism. Nausea. Eructation. Not ulcer dyspepsia.

General characteristics. Structure:

Active ingredients: 10 mg of famotidine, 800 mg of calcium carbonate, 165 mg of magnesium hydroxide.

Excipients: aspartame, Mannitolum, sucrose, povidone, saccharin of sodium, Dextrosum anhydrous, magnesium the stearate, talc purified menthol, peppermint oil.

The combined drug for decrease in acidity and its neutralization.

Pharmacological properties:

Гастромакс, having a double formula of action, stops heartburn thus: the antacid reduces a hyperoxemia of a gastric juice, eliminating undesirable reactions (pain, heartburn), and H2 a blocker ІІІ generations which suppresses secretion of hydrochloric acid, both basal, and stimulated a histamine, gastrin and acetylcholine, at the same time along with decrease in products of hydrochloric acid and increase рН decreases also activity of pepsin. Optimum comparisons of active components as a part of drug are provided by decrease in acidity to normal level.

Pharmacokinetics. Famotidine reduces secretion of a histamine in H2 receptors, at the same time concentration of acid and secretion of gastric enzymes decreases. The clinical effect occurs in one hour. Influence duration – about 10 - 12 hours.

Magnesium hydroxide and calcium carbonate is converters of gastric acidity.

Indications to use:

- for elimination of symptoms which are caused by a hyperoxemia of a gastric juice, such as: heartburn, feeling of overpopulation in epigastric area, a meteorism, nausea, an acid eructation, and also after mistakes in a diet, drug intake;

- at a hyperoxemia of a gastric juice (with heartburn or without it);

- at not ulcer dyspepsia.

Route of administration and doses:

To adults and children, 12 years are more senior: for weakening of symptoms to chew 1 tablet of Gastromaks and to swallow. Not to use more than 2 chewable tablets within 24 hours.

Features of use:

Due to the insufficient experience of use of drug at children not to apply to children up to 12 years.

It is careful to appoint the patient with renal failures and a liver.

Before an initiation of treatment it is necessary to exclude a peptic ulcer of a duodenum and stomach.

Side effects:

During the controlled clinical tests at treatment famotidine observed side effects, such as: headache, dizziness, lock, diarrhea.

Interaction with other medicines:

Antiacid drug which consists from calcium ions and magnesium forms complexes with tetracyclines which considerably reduce concentration of an antibiotic in blood. Thus, reception of antiacid drugs and tetracycline has to be with a break at 1 - 2 o'clock.

Joint the uses of antiacid drugs can change absorption of broad range of drugs. Гастромакс can reduce warfarin level.


Drug is not recommended to patients who suffer on a renal failure through accumulation of a small amount of the adsorbed magnesium ions that can bring to a depression, influence on the central nervous system and other symptoms of hyper magnesia. It is impossible to use drug if in the patient an allergy to famotidine and other components of drug for decrease in acidity.

Carefully it is necessary to apply to treatment of patients with an impaired renal function. It is not recommended to apply during pregnancy and a lactation.


For today it is not revealed.

Storage conditions:

To store at the room temperature (15-25 °C) in protected from light and the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 3 years.

Issue conditions:

Without recipe


On 10 chewable tablets in the blister, on 1 blister in a cardboard pack together with the application instruction.

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