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The cardiosurgeon – the doctor-surgeon eliminating pathologies of cardiovascular system.

Кардиохирург – врач-хирург, устраняющий патологии сердечно-сосудистой системы

Address cardiosurgeons in cases when drug conservative treatment of diseases of cardiovascular system is impossible or leads to progressing of a disease.

The heart surgery (differently – cardiothoracic surgery) belongs to the field of cardiology and surgery and today it is considered one of the most effective ways of treatment of coronary heart disease that allows to prevent development of a myocardial infarction.

Cardiosurgeons work, as a rule, in large multi-field hospitals with the relevant departments or in the centers of cardiology and cardiovascular surgery that is connected with need to have the specialized equipment and the intensive care unit equipped with modern medical equipment.

History of development of cardiology

At the end of the 19th century heart operations were not performed. In comparison with traditional surgery which foundation is laid by Hippocrates and the Arab scientist Avicenna development of a heart surgery became possible thanks to opening of an anesthesia and development of medical technologies. Open heart operations began to be performed for the first time in the 50th years of last century, and since then the heart surgery began the rapid development.

As incentive to development of such medical specialty as the cardiosurgeon not only development of medicine, but also a high demand of cordial operations served.

The statistics of heart diseases constantly worsens. And it is connected not only with quantity having these diseases, but also high death rate – according to the available data more than a half of all death is the share of diseases of cardiovascular system.

Types of cardiac operations

Doctors cardiosurgeons are most of all demanded at coronary heart disease. It is possible to allocate main types of operations which are performed quite successfully now by cardiosurgeons around the world. Among them:

  • Coronary shunting which is recognized as the most effective method at coronary heart disease. The method of low-invasive coronary shunting belongs to the most progressive and safe method of a similar operative measure for the patient. It means carrying out operation by the cardiosurgeon on the working heart without its stop. A major factor of success of shunting is high qualification of the cardiosurgeon who has to have experience of successful carrying out a large number of similar operations;
  • Operations on the aortal valve which are shown at aortal defects and include both plastics, and prosthetics of the aortal valve. Replacement with cardiosurgeons of a heart valve widely is also everywhere fulfilled today. The new valve is installed or from biological material (from tissues of heart of a pig or horse), or from metal which is more practical, however after its installation it is necessary to accept anticoagulants (the medicines interfering a blood svorachivayemost);
  • Bentall's operation which doctors cardiosurgeons perform in case of aneurism of the ascending aorta with aortal insufficiency;
  • The heart transplantation applied at terminal heart failure in cases when the state cannot be improved by means of traditional heart operation or conservative therapy.

Children's cardiosurgeon

Children's cardiosurgeons are popular specialists at elimination of inborn pathologies of heart and vessels which are rather frequent pathology (about 8 sick children on each one thousand newborns). The modern heart surgery is especially effective in the first half a year of life. Operations of children's cardiosurgeons on creation of the new cordial channels supplied with valves are the most successful.

The important factor defining professionalism of the cardiosurgeon is the place of its training after the termination of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION. So, for the children's cardiosurgeon the best clinics for practical training and a training are specialized medical institutions of Germany, the USA and Israel which doctors accumulated extensive experience in this area.

One of the leading clinics in the world ranking on quality, quantity and level of complexity of operations to children with inborn heart diseases is the Center of a heart surgery of inborn heart diseases of Michigan State University.

Cardiosurgeons of this center specialize in surgical treatment of children with a syndrome of a hypoplasia of a left heart (critical heart disease) of which 95 percent of children within the first year of life die. Children's cardiosurgeons of this center achieved not only progress in its treatment, but also in postoperative nursing of children.

Steadily successful it is possible to call the operations performed by children's cardiosurgeons at the wrong arrangement of arteries at babies today.

How to receive the cardiosurgeon's profession

To work by profession the cardiosurgeon it is necessary to get the higher medical education in "Medical business" then it is necessary to graduate from an internship and an internship majoring in "Heart surgery".

At all the advantages, heart operations belong to difficult and very risky ways of treatment. And it is connected first of all with professionalism of the cardiosurgeon which in addition to surgical skills needs to have analytical skills to weigh all possible risks and advantages of carrying out operation.

Success of operations depends also on knowledge of the cardiosurgeon in many adjacent medical specialties – functional diagnosis, anesthesiology, topographical anatomy.

The need for big endurance of the cardiosurgeon and his ability to work in team it is connected with duration of the performed operations (6-12 hours), and also with the fact that they demand work of the whole team of physicians consisting, as a rule, not less than of four people.

To personal qualities of the doctor of the cardiosurgeon are usually imposed high requirements among which:

  • Tendency to natural sciences;
  • Resistance to stress;
  • Good health;
  • Responsibility;
  • Desire to help people;
  • Readiness for justified risk;
  • Accuracy of coordination of movements.
Whether you know that:

Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.