Main > Food stuffs> Mangold


The mangold belongs to plants from family amarantovy which are closely related with sugar and fodder beet. Externally the plant is similar to spinach, has leaves up to 30 cm long of curly or direct type which are edible.


Biological features and distribution

Distinguish two main types of a mangold – stem and шнитт. Stem the plant type for the first time appeared in Switzerland and is similar to an asparagus. It has a reddish color of streaks, fleshy and fragrant leaves which eat.

Shnitt-mangold deciduous type represents a frost-resistant, early plant which is similar to the socket and has friable leaves. Sheet grades of a mangold need to be sowed on not acid soils with good humidity at distance about 20 cm from each other, then the plant will have large leaves and pleasant taste.

A large number of grades of a mangold is widespread in countries of Western Europe and Latin America, India, the Baltics, Japan, the western regions of Russia and Ukraine.

Mangold caloric content

The mangold contains vitamins of group A, E and K, sodium, magnesium, potassium and iron. In roots of a plant there is a lot of sugar, also as in sugar beet.

Caloric content of a mangold makes 19 kcal. Each plant contains 1,7 g of proteins, 0,2 g of fats and 3 g of carbohydrates, and also fatty acids of 0,03 g, disaccharides of 1 g, ashes and water.

Useful properties of a mangold

The advantage of a mangold is high and was described in ancient treatises on medicine where it was specified that juice of leaves of a plant is laxative, diuretic and fortifying means, and also helps for treatment of dandruff.

Fleshy and juicy leaves of a mangold are vitamin-rich the PP, A, B and E groups, and also contain a large amount of nitrogenous substances, organic acids, phosphorus, calcium, iron, lithium, potassium and carbohydrates.

The advantage of a mangold remains at its use in salads, soups, cold dishes and ragout. Scapes of a plant can be boiled or roasted in oil, and also to ferment together with cabbage.

Thanks to useful properties the mangold is effective for treatment of an urolithiasis, hypotonia, a diabetes mellitus and anemia.

At regular consumption of a mangold work of cardiovascular system, a liver, brain and lymphatic system improves. The plant strengthens immunity and strengthens protective functions of an organism.

The mangold is useful as a part of dietary food to preparation of borsches, salads and snack. At constant addition of a plant in various dishes slags and harmful substances are removed from an organism.

Preparation of a mangold

The mangold is popular worldwide, and also is a part of a set of dishes not only as the main ingredient, but also for ornament. On leaves of a mangold it is possible to spread various snack, salads and meat dishes. The Svezhesrezanny mangold perfectly is suitable for salads and garnishes.

Traditional Italian dish is Byeta salad with fleshy and juicy leaves of this plant. Also in many countries of Europe beetroot soups, vinaigrettes, soups and aspics with addition of this plant are popular. Scapes of a mangold are used for conservation of cucumbers and other vegetables.

Салат с мангольдом

Contraindications to the use

The mangold should not be eaten at individual intolerance and existence of allergic reactions. This plant can make drowsiness, sick and vomiting, a sharp lowering of arterial pressure as it contains many volatiles.

It is not recommended to use in a large number juice of leaves of this plant which can cause decrease in pulse, dizziness and a headache.

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