Main > Food stuffs> Black fox

Black fox

Black fox – a woody plant from family nut. Black fox is recognized as an official tree symbol of Texas. North America (its southern part) is considered the homeland of a plant. Also it grows in the Caucasus, in the Crimea and in Central Asia.

Орехи пекан

Black fox fruit – a false stone fruit which is called nut. Maturing of fruits usually takes place in October - the beginning of November, but also black fox grades which fruits ripen earlier are known.

Outside the fruit is covered with a firm dartos which hardens when maturing and cracks. In a fruit nut with a smooth shell of brown color, about a millimeter thick is placed. The kernel consists from two expanded from a germ a cotyledon into which structure just and all useful components enter. 50% of all nut are the center. Fat content of a kernel – about 70%.

Nutlet of black fox of usually ovate-oblong or oblong shape up to four centimeters long, up to two centimeters wide, with an average weight of five-six grams.

Wood of black fox is appreciated high technical qualities, and a kernel – high biological qualities. Wood is used for production of plywood, bent products, furniture, and also applied in construction.

Black fox – the closest relative of walnut. A form and a shell it is similar to hazelnut, and its edible kernel tastes like also to a look walnut. However this type of nuts is much more gentle and softer than some walnuts. On the tastes black fox concedes only to Brazil nuts.

Besides, black fox has no internal partitions, as in walnut therefore it is much easier to take it from a shell. The seam and the basis of nut are densely closed and do not contain a soft layer. For this reason black fox does not happen worm-eaten and its kernel will never turn rancid.

Black fox caloric content high. The indicator of caloric content of black fox is much higher than an indicator of caloric content of walnuts. The kernel of walnut and a kernel of black fox weigh approximately equally, however the kernel of walnut is twice less than a black fox kernel.

Nutrition value and caloric content of black fox

These nuts contain much more sugar, than in other types of nuts and besides they are much more caloric. Black fox caloric content – 691 kcal on 100 g of nuts. So, only two hundred grams of an edible part of nuts give about 1800 kcal that makes nearly a half of day need of the person for calories. It is daily recommended to use no more than 100 g of nuts.

Hundred grams of an edible part of black fox contain 72% of fat, 10% of protein, 14% of carbohydrates, 10 g of food fibers, 4 g mono - and disaccharides, 0,50 g of starch, 3,5 g of water, 1,5 g of ashes.

Nut contains 121 mg of magnesium, 70 mg of calcium, 277 mg of phosphorus, 410 mg of sodium, 2,5 mg of iron, 4,5 mg of zinc, 1,20 mg of copper, 4,5 mg of manganese, 3,8 mg of selenium.

100 g of black fox contain 56 mg of vitamin A, 0,7 mg of B1 vitamin, 0,1 mg of B2 vitamin, 1,1 mg of B3 vitamin, 40,5 mg of sincaline, 0,9 mg of pantothenic acid, 0,2 mg of a pyridoxine, 22 mg of B9 vitamin, 1,1 mg of ascorbic acid, 1,4 mg of vitamin E.

Advantage of black fox

The advantage of black fox consists in its unique medicinal properties. Vitamin E is a part of nut in the form of gamma tocopherol – the specific substance protecting fats, proteins and DNA of cells from oxidation. Phytosterols as a part of kernels reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, prevent development of atherosclerosis, ischemic, a varicosis. The regular use of nut lowers concentration of harmful cholesterol in blood on a third. Black fox brings benefit also at avitaminosis and an anemia.

Black fox has the expressed anticarcinogenic properties. Gamma tocopherol as a part of their kernel destroys cancer cells, separating them from healthy cells of an organism.

Useful components of a kernel of black fox improve functioning of hormonal and sexual systems, stimulate appetite and take off fatigue.

Useful properties also the oil received from these nuts has. In oil all useful components of black fox are more concentrated. Will receive oil by method of cold pressing. Only in this case in it all useful components of nut remain in an invariable look. Oil has a golden-yellow shade and tastes like olive.

Nut oil is recommended both for outside, and for internal use. At intake it eliminates a headache, accelerates recovery at catarrhal diseases, improves appetite and gives force. Oil components considerably slow down processes of aging of an organism therefore it is irreplaceable for people of old age, and also for people with the weakened immunity.

Oil is applied at sunblisters, irritations of skin, hematomas, fungal infections, stings of insects.

It gives elasticity to skin, humidifies, updates and rejuvenates its cells. For this reason it is quite often included in composition of many cosmetics.

Пирог с орехами пекан

Black fox directions of use

Nuts are eaten in a crude, fried or dried look. They are often added to pastries, to various dishes, and also used at production of alcoholic drinks. Besides, from these nuts prepare for children milk. They are carefully pounded and mixed with water before formation of homogeneous mass.

Nut oil is suitable for rice dishes, various salads, mushrooms. It is ideally combined with fish dishes, cheeses and fowl.

In Russia these nuts are not in special demand, and in the USA pecan pie is considered integral a part of any celebration.

Storage conditions

The crude nut in the closed container can be stored in the dry cool place before half a year. Nut in the cleared look is recommended to store in the refrigerator no more than three months. It is necessary to store black fox in the frozen look no more than six months. At disturbance of terms and storage conditions black fox has a bitterish smack.

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