
Psychiatry – the field of medicine which is engaged in studying, treatment and rehabilitation of mental, or sincere diseases. A mental disease it is considered to be the state other than mental health, but this concept relatively and can change depending on conditions and personal qualities of the person. Feature of psychiatry consists that sometimes even explicit frustration of mentality happen without organic changes in an organism, they can not always be defined neither quantitatively, nor is qualitative, and diagnosis is carried out on the basis of testing. The main problem of mental diseases is loss of the patient from normal social life.

Mental diseases are very widespread, according to medical statistics, every fifth person is subject to this or that form of mental deviations, temporary or constant. People of any age, including children suffer from mental diseases, some diseases are shown at early children's age, for example, autism.

The children's psychiatry holds a specific place in psychiatry as the children's mentality very of a labiln, and at due leaving and adequate treatment is possible to return the child to full-fledged life including in social. The basic in treatment of mental disorders at children is rehabilitation, including psychological and social. The children's psychiatry develops in the direction of the maximum adaptation of the child to society of other children now, avoiding isolation of the sick child as it was accepted earlier.

Rehabilitation, especially social, occupies one of important places in treatment of mental diseases, it is that area where the psychiatry closely adjoins to psychology and pedagogics. Now methods of treatment of sincere diseases are in many respects reconsidered and improved. New groups of medicamentous drugs, more effective and giving less side effects are developed, the physical therapy is widely used. Complex treatment, with use of auxiliary methods, such as art therapy, work therapy, an animaloterapiya, allows to achieve considerable progress and if not completely to cure a disease then, to achieve positive dynamics and to prevent disintegration of the personality.

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Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.